This plug-in is an ongoing and evolving project with the intent to bring web support, through websockets, to the Minecraft bukkit servers. This implementation of websockets is designed to be light-weight and simple, reducing overhead to the game server itself. Clients that support websockets will have the ability to perform simple informational queries, such as who is online, what version the server is running on, etc. All text base results will be returned in a simple JSON format for consistency.
Bugs/Suggestions: [email protected]
Maven is required for this project
- Install Maven 3
- Check out this repo and:
mvn clean package
This project follows a lot of the standards that craftbukkit follows:
- This project follows the [Sun/Oracle coding standards] (
- No tabs; use 4 spaces instead.
- No trailing whitespaces.
- No CRLF line endings, LF only, put your gits 'core.autocrlf' on 'true'.
- No 80 column limit or 'weird' midstatement newlines.
- The pull request must contain code that builds without errors.
- The pull request must contain code that has been united tested to some degree as to not fail on runtime.
- The description of your pull request should provide detailed information on the pull along with justification of the changes where applicable.
Some various notes about the plug-in:
- This plug-in can send fragmented frames but cannot receive it at this time.
- The total frame size can only be 2^16 in size, as larger frames will be truncated. This will not change since we want to keep this lightweight and prevent the minecraft server from being overloaded.
- Other plug-ins may register for websocket events during the onLoad event with the method WebSocketServices.registerApplicationLayer(Plugin plugin, IApplicationLayer applicationLayer).
- A [wiki] ( on how to use the WebSocketServices API is available.
- Add support for receiving fragmented frames.
- Add necessary synchronization for threading; however, all services are read-only and the synch penalty is not currently worth it.
- Create a wiki entry on how to construct the jar for this plug-in, as well as how to install the base64-3.8.1.jar.
- A security layer for possible individual websocket logins (This will have to be some sort of temporary token, as these services work off client-side scripting and all 'password' information is available for all to see).
- Eventually add https support.
- Eventually add support for batched services to reduce the number of threads occupied by individual requests.
- Develop a consistent format for all services data including those generated by a plug-in.