NewsApp is an Android application that displays news articles using the NewsAPI. The app categorizes articles into different sections such as Business, Entertainment, General, Health, Science, Sports, and Technology. It leverages Retrofit for API calls and Picasso for image loading.
- Fetches top headlines from the NewsAPI.
- News categories include Business, Entertainment, General, Health, Science, Sports, and Technology.
- Displays article title, description, and image.
- Share news articles with others.
- Clean and simple UI using RecyclerView for displaying news articles.

- Language: Java
- Retrofit: HTTP client for API calls
- Picasso: Image loading and caching library
- RecyclerView: For displaying lists of articles
- Retrofit - A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
- Gson - A library to serialize and deserialize JSON.
- Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android.
- Material Components - Material Design UI components.
This app uses the NewsAPI to fetch real-time news. You can create your own API key by registering on the site.