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Lan Sovinc edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Right-LANe-2.0* wiki!


This wiki is meant to give deeper understanding of the whole project of building a small electric-powered vehicle, such as an electric longboard and can also serve as a build guide**.

It is devided in 3 main sections:

  1. Hardware (explains the selection of parts for the prototype)
  2. Microcontroller and electronic components (describes the compositon of the microcontroller and accompanying electronic components)
  3. Software (explains the Arduino sketch, which with the required software libraries runs the steering system)

I hope this Wiki will give the reader a comprehensive description of a project as a whole and the thought process I went through, creating the prototype.

*In summer 2016 I started playing around with the idea of making an electric longboard. I successfully created an early stage prototype, but by the time it was completed I learned so much about the technical matters that I almost immediately started working on a second iteration.

I wanted to refine the hardware and software aspects and improve reliability of the first prototype. The most important step to achieve that, was to switch from Raspberry Pi Model B to Arduino Pro Mini.

**The final product is after all still a prototype and therefore not tested enough to be treated as a safe to use product. I do not take any responsibility for damage to property or any kind of injuries caused by the board.

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