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Hyperledger Indy Transaction explorer

List and view transactions on Hyperledger Indy blockchain! Look at pretty graphs! Yayy~


How it works

The daemon is periodically looking for new transactions. When new transaction is found, it's stored in MongoDB. The WebApp queries MongoDB and displays the data.

Which networks?

The scanner and webapp can be easily configured to run against arbitrary Indy pool. As far as valid Indy pool genesis files are supplied, it should work!

How difficult to run?

Very easy! Everything is dockerized!

  1. Build images locally ./
  2. Find names of your pools ls -l ~/.indy_client/pool In my case, I've already got some pools there and the command prints
drwxr-xr-x  4 prague  staff  128 Feb 13 14:55 PRIVATE_POOL_127.0.0.1
drwxr-xr-x  4 prague  staff  128 Feb 13 22:06 SOVRIN_MAINNET
drwxr-xr-x  4 prague  staff  128 Feb 13 21:54 SOVRIN_TESTNET
  1. Specify names of pools you want to scan (pool names separated by commas) INDY_NETWORKS="SOVRIN_MAINNET,SOVRIN_TESTNET" docker-compose up.
  2. Go to http://localhost:3000
  3. Profit.


By default, the scanners fetches new transaction every 0.5sec. If none is available, it waits for few second or minutes. I am already running instance fo this at so be nice and let's not spam the network too much!

Coming next

  • Transaction filter
  • Transaction description
  • Prettier graphs with overlays
  • Dynamic graphs: based on your timerange selection and transaction filter
  • ... and probably much more



Startup your mongoDb instance. You can use Docker, and in such a case I recommend mount its data directory somewhere on your host, so you don't loose previously scanned transactions if you kill your mongo container. docker run --name local-indyscan-mongo -p 27017:27017 -v ~/indyscan/mainnet:/data/db -d mongo:3.4.18


If you want to develop Webapp part of project, there's no point running Daemon locally. You'll be better of just starting it as docker container.

Run Daemon in docker container

TODO: Add instructions how to start container and make sure it can talk to mongo container.

Run Daemon locally

This is only handy if you want to develop code of daemon and you want to get fast feedback loop for your modifications. First ou need to make sure you've have compiled libindy for your system. Follow instructions on to do this. Startup transaction scanner daemon. In the daemon directory, run

npm install

Before you run daemon, the directory ~/.indy_client/pool in your machine should contain pool configurations. For example, in my case it contains these:

> ls ~/.indy_client/pool

And each of these 2 directories contains genesis transactions for given network. If you don't have any pool configurations, you can quickly generate configurations for sovrin testnet and mainnet by running

node genesis.js

When we start indyscan daemon, we need to asur that variable INDY_NETWORKS is exported. It's value should be list of pool names separated by comma, matching pool names in your ~/.indy_client/pool directory. So for example, given content of my ~/.indy_client/pool shown in example above, I would start running daemon against these pool like this:


If everything falls in place, daemon will open connections to pools listed in INDY_NETWORKS environment variable based on their configuration inside ~/.indy_client/pool directory and start polling transactions from the 1st until the last. By default it fetches 2tx/per sec/per pool and slows down polling frequency once it discovers there's no more transactions left. Each transaction is saved to mongodb.


Webapp reads tx data from mongo and presents it. You have to pass in the INDY_NETWORKS the same way like in case of the daemon so it knows which pools it should display. The first pool name specified in INDY_NETWORKS will be displayed on homepage by default.

cd app;
npm install


- app                 - nextjs web app
- daemon              - process looking for new transactions
- indyscan-storage    - shared library for app and daemon
- infra               - deployment files
- libindy-docker      - dockerfile to build image with libindy
- libindy-node-docker - dockerfile with node and libindy

## Released under GNU GPL V3 License


Hyperldger Indy Scanner







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  • JavaScript 94.8%
  • Dockerfile 3.4%
  • CSS 1.1%
  • Shell 0.7%