Reference player with sync to Maya
- Sync current frame to Maya's timeslider via command port.
- Save/load playback presets.
- If you do not already have one, create a file inside maya/scripts directory and add the following line to it:
maya.cmds.commandPort(name='', stp='python', echoOutput=True)
- Launch dsReferencePlayer.exe. If connection to maya was not successfull - player will notify you and suggest changing command port.
- Open video file using File>Open. It will take some time to process video depending on number of frames in it.
- From menubar select Playback > Match player playback options to match current video framerate and animation length inside Maya.
- Tick Sync check box to enable synchronization of Maya's timeslider.
- Playback offset
- Playback start
- Sync toggle
- Playback end
- Video total length (not editable)
Start position of Maya's playback slider: Playback start + Playback offset.
End position of Maya's playback slider: Playback end - Playback start.
- No video preview - possible problem with codecs. This player uses openCv2 library, try installing K-Lite Codec from:
- Unexpected behaviour: Latest caught exeptions log file can be found at Users/yourUserName/AppData/Local/dsReferencePlayer. Submit it as attachment for new issue here: