Often Sys Admins have to do similar kind of tasks on a number of machines. Each and everyone has its own way. Some uses configuration tools like puppet/cfengine. Some uses password less ssh parallel execution or someone might be using either expect or some modules like paramiko to achieve that.
This is also a similar kind of tool. It exploits the power of screen. What it requires to run.
- A central host having bash
- Same above central host having "screen" utility installed.
You do not even need your or root ssh keys in place. You will provide your password in passwd_file
(see sample file in code).
What it can provide:
- logging on every host + on central host
- real time visual monitoring.
- can take actions on individual hosts as well.
- Only for private network.
- Knowing screen usage is advantageous.
Unzip all files in your home folder in some central machine.
- Create a direcotry inside RELEASES directory and name it whatever you like. lets say e.g. TEST
- Additionally create a script or program that you want to run on all target machines inside RELESES/TEST dir.(This step is not mandatory)
- Run following command and following the instructions on screen.
./generate_screenrc_files_and_push_required_files.sh TEST
Additonally just run ./generate_screenrc_files_and_push_required_files.sh <enter>
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