Releases: spechub/Hets
Releases · spechub/Hets
Haddock; faster translation OWL22CASL
TPTP; database access; renewal of RESTful interface; IRIs; GDOL; docker
- new logic TPTP with up-to-date parser
- database access: development graph can be written to a database
- renewal of RESTful interface
- unified treatment of IRIs
- first steps towards generic DOL (GDOL)
- docker file for Hets
various bug fixes, improvement of OWL2CASL translation, compatibility with ghc 8.0
networks, OWL2, Common Logic
- statis analysis of networks
- fixes for OWL2 and Common Logic
Better names and labels
Better names in colimits and better labels for Common Logic axioms.
- parsing and static analysis for more of DOL
- web interface improvements
- extended modal logic and comorphisms to THF
- THF enhancements and prover integration
- !HolLight integration
- support for DOL, Common Logic, and IRIs.
- logic serialization (aka different syntaxes for one logic)
- support for Isabelle2012/2013 (HOL only, not HOLCF)
- refinement extensions
- speeded up counting counter examples of SparQ models
- better CASL error messages
- conservativity checker overhaul
- hets as web server displaying svg, xml and pdf formats and supporting automatic proofs
- a further induction variant when translating CASL to SoftFOL (CASL2SoftFOLInduction2)
- extended user interface for disproving and adding sentences interactively
- support for Isabelle2011 (HOL only, not HOLCF)
- logical frameworks via the logics LF and Framework
- !MacPorts packages for hets (and meta packages for installation on Snow Leopard)
- logic FPL (logic of functional programs)
- CAD system logics FreeCAD and EnCL (formerly CSL)
- experimental !HolLight logic
- logic CspCASL overhaul
- support for literate HetCASL
- static analysis of simple refinements
- improved heterogeneous static analysis
- first steps from OWL version 1 to version 2
- hets as a yet simple web server
- some change-management support
- proving support via disproving and adding sentences
- logical frameworks (LF)
- Ubuntu packages
- logic ADL (a description language based on relational algebra)
- logic CSL (replacing logic Reduce)
- proof support via Isabelle2009-1
- more OWL prover support (Fact++)
- connection to the prover E-KRHyper
- XML output and new OMDoc in- and output
- new consistency checker GUI
- logic Reduce to connect to the computer algebra system
- dummy logic DMU (for Catia output)
- logic Maude
- logic LF