NOTE: nfu is unlikely to receive any more major updates, as I'm currently working on its successor ni.
is a text data hub and transformation tool with a large set of composable
functions and source/sink adapters. For example, if you wanted to do a map-side
inner join between a PostgreSQL table, a CSV from the Internet, and stuff on
HDFS and gather the results into a sorted/uniqued text file:
$ nfu sql:P@:'%*mytable' \
-i0 @[ -F , ] \
-H@::H. [ -i0 hdfsjoin:/path/to/hdfs/data ] ^gcf1. \
-g \
> output
# equivalent long version
$ nfu sql:Pdbname:'select * from mytable' \
--index 0 @[ --fieldsplit , ] \
--hadoop /tmp/temp-resharded-upload-path [ ] [ ] \
--hadoop . [ --index 0 hdfsjoin:/path/to/hdfs/data ] \
[ --group --count --fields 1. ] \
--group \
> output
Then if you wanted to plot a cumulative histogram of the .metadata.size
field from the third column values, binned to the nearest 100:
$ nfu output -m 'jd(%2).metadata.size' -q100ocOs1f10p %l
# equivalent long version
$ nfu output --map 'json_decode($_[2]).metadata.size' \
--quant 100 --order --count --rorder \
--sum 1 --fields 10 --plot 'with lines'
MIT license as usual.
If you invoke nfu
with no arguments, it will give you the following summary:
usage: nfu [prefix-commands...] [input-files...] commands...
where each command is one of the following:
-A|--aggregate (1) <aggregator fn>
--append (1) <pseudofile; appends its contents to current stream>
-a|--average (0) -- window size (0 for full average) -- running average
-b|--branch (1) <branch (takes a pattern map)>
-R|--buffer (1) <creates a pseudofile from the data stream>
-c|--count (0) -- counts by first column value; like uniq -c
-S|--delta (0) -- value -> difference from last value
-D|--drop (0) -- number of records to drop
--duplicate (2) <two shell commands as separate arguments>
-e|--each (1) <template; executes with {} set to each value>
--entropy (0) -- running entropy of relative probabilities/frequencies
-E|--every (1) <n (returns every nth row)>
-L|--exp (0) -- optional base (default e)
-f|--fields (0) -- string of digits, each a zero-indexed column selector
-F|--fieldsplit (1) <regexp to use for splitting>
--fold (1) <function that returns true when line should be folded>
-g|--group (0) -- sorts ascending, takes optional column list
-H|--hadoop (3) <hadoop streaming: outpath|.|@, mapper|:, reducer|:|_>
--http (1) <HTTP adapter for TCP server output>
-i|--index (2) <field index, unsorted pseudofile to join against>
-I|--indexouter (2) <field index, unsorted pseudofile to join against>
-z|--intify (0) -- convert column to dense integers (linear space)
-j|--join (2) <field index, sorted pseudofile to join against>
-J|--joinouter (2) <field index, sorted pseudofile to join against>
-k|--keep (1) <row filter fn>
-l|--log (0) -- optional base (default e)
-m|--map (1) <row map fn>
--mplot (1) <gnuplot arguments per column, separated by ;>
-N|--ntiles (1) <takes N, produces ntiles of numbers>
-n|--number (0) -- prepends line number to each line
--octave (1) <pipe through octave; vector is called xs>
-o|--order (0) -- sorts ascending by general numeric value
--partition (2) <partition id fn, shell command (using {})>
--pipe (1) <shell command to pipe through>
-p|--plot (1) <gnuplot arguments>
-M|--pmap (1) <row map fn (executed multiple times in parallel)>
-P|--poll (2) <interval in seconds, command whose output to collect>
--prepend (1) <pseudofile; prepends its contents to current stream>
--preview (0)
-q|--quant (1) <number to round to>
-r|--read (0) -- reads pseudofiles from the data stream
-K|--remove (1) <inverted row filter fn>
--repeat (2) <repeat count, pseudofile to repeat>
-G|--rgroup (0) -- sorts descending, takes optional column list
-O|--rorder (0) -- sorts descending by general numeric value
--sample (1) <row selection probability in [0, 1]>
--sd (0) -- running standard deviation
--splot (1) <gnuplot arguments>
-Q|--sql (3) <create/query SQL table: db[:[+]table], schema|_, query|_>
-s|--sum (0) -- value -> total += value
-T|--take (0) -- n to take first n, +n to take last n
--tcp (1) <TCP server (emits fifo filenames)>
--tee (1) <shell command; duplicates data to stdin of command>
-C|--uncount (0) -- the opposite of --count; repeats each row N times
-V|--variance (0) -- running variance
-w|--with (1) <pseudofile to join column-wise onto input>
and prefix commands are:
documentation (not used with normal commands):
--explain <other-options>
--expand-pseudofile <filename>
--expand-code <code>
--expand-gnuplot <gnuplot options>
--expand-sql <sql>
pipeline modifiers:
--quote -- quotes args: eval $(nfu --quote ...)
--use <>
--run <perl code>
argument bracket preprocessing:
^stuff -> [ -stuff ]
[ ] nfu as function: [ -gc ] == "$(nfu --quote -gc)"
@[ ] nfu as data: @[ -gc foo ] == sh:"$(nfu --quote -gc foo)"
q[ ] quote things: q[ foo bar ] == "foo bar"
pseudofile patterns:
file.bz2 decompress file with bzip2 -dc
file.gz decompress file with gzip -dc
file.lzo decompress file with lzop -dc
file.xz decompress file with xz -dc
hdfs:path read HDFS file(s) with hadoop fs -text
hdfsjoin:path mapside join pseudofile (a subset of hdfs:path)
http[s]://url retrieve url with curl
id:X verbatim text X
n:number numbers from 1 to n, inclusive
perl:expr perl -e 'print "$_\n" for (expr)'
s3://url access S3 using s3cmd
sh:stuff run sh -c "stuff", take stdout
sql:db:query results of query as TSV
user@host:x remote data access (x can be a pseudofile)
gnuplot expansions:
%d -> ' with dots'
%i -> ' with impulses'
%l -> ' with lines'
%p -> ' lc palette '
%t -> ' title '
%u -> ' using '
%v -> ' with vectors '
SQL expansions:
%\* -> ' select * from '
%c -> ' select count(1) from '
%d -> ' select distinct * from '
%g -> ' group by '
%j -> ' inner join '
%l -> ' outer left join '
%r -> ' outer right join '
%w -> ' where '
database prefixes:
P = PostgreSQL
S = SQLite 3
environment variables:
NFU_ALWAYS_VERBOSE if set, nfu will be verbose all the time
NFU_HADOOP_COMMAND hadoop executable; e.g. hadoop jar, hadoop fs -ls
NFU_HADOOP_OPTIONS -D options for hadoop streaming jobs
NFU_HADOOP_STREAMING absolute location of hadoop-streaming.jar
NFU_HADOOP_TMPDIR default /tmp; temp dir for hadoop uploads
NFU_MAX_FILEHANDLES default 64; maximum #subprocesses for --partition
NFU_NO_PAGER if set, nfu will not use "less" to preview stdout
NFU_PMAP_PARALLELISM number of subprocesses for -M
NFU_SORT_BUFFER default 256M; size of in-memory sort for -g and -o
NFU_SORT_COMPRESS default none; compression program for sort tempfiles
NFU_SORT_PARALLEL default 4; number of concurrent sorts to run
see for documentation