An example project demonstrating how to submit data to Seafowl from a dagster job.
This demo builds on the official hello dagster demo.
To try the code in this project, you will need access to a Seafowl database instance. The easiest solution is to run seafowl locally after downloading the release from GitHub. The following shell commands install Seafowl version 0.4.1 for x86_64-based macs:
curl -O -L ''
tar -xzvf seafowl-v0.4.1-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
You will also need a python installation containing dagster and the python seafowl client.
The following commands create such a virtualenv for you:
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e 'git+https://[email protected]/splitgraph/seafowl.git@main#egg=seafowl[pandas]&subdirectory=examples/clients/python'
pip install dagster dagit
# be sure to active the virtualenv first
. venv/bin/activate
dagster dev -f
# be sure to active the virtualenv first
. venv/bin/activate
# also, make sure 'seafowl' is running
PASSWORD="iHBHflYfEaMpX4j7Du0z6vFNS6w2BMaX" ENDPOINT="" python -m seafowl "SELECT * FROM hn"