Small programs for image processing
developMethodTesting uses multiple different demosaicking algorithms upon the same image, and saves it multiple times to compare the differences.
eqHisto equalizes the histogram of a provided image
exposureStack takes multiple images and stacks them in a weighted method to allow for a lower noise image
noiseReduction takes an image or multiple images, and applies the nonLocalMeans denoising algorithm. Note: only completed multi exposure denoising.
rawDevelop develops raw images using the AMaZE demosaicking algorithm
whiteBalance applies a automatically computed white balance to an image
blurDetection calculates estimated blur using a modified laplacian. The lower the result, the higher the estimated blur is. This method was described in a paper written by J. L. Pech-Pacheco, G. Cristobal, J. Chamorro-Martinez, and j. Fernandez-Valdivia. It was found at