The lessons are broken into serveral sections. Each section offers details about the specific topic under discussion.
Some of the details have been shamelessly copied from:
- [Effective Go] (
- [The Go Programming Language Specification] (
- [The Go Blog] (
git clone
go get
[download the zip archive] (
Installing Go
[Vist this page to install Go development tools] (
Build & Run sample
Complie go source file and generate the binary
go build name_of_program
Complie go source file, execute it send the output if any to stdout and throw away the generated binary
go run name_of_program
Compile go source file, and install it in bin subdirectory of your GOPATH
go install name_of_program
Running on go playground
To run these samples on [Go playground, paste the code here] ( Please note that go playground is sandboxed environment, with following limitations:
- Time is constant, i.e. it does not change
- No filesystem i.e. you do not have access to the filesystem
- No network .i.e. you can not run an code that imports net package
However the playground allows you get started with the business of learning the language right away, with getting bogged down in setting up the development/learning environment.