Releases: sriharshachilakapati/SilenceEngine
This release does the major thing that is on the road map, implement a modern Scene graph that is built around an entity component system. A lot of refactoring is done to make the code modern. Everything completely tested.
Major changes
- Removed existing Scene API and implemented a new ECS based Scene API.
- Implemented Systems, default systems for rendering in 2D.
- Implemented collision Systems for both 2D and 3D entities.
- Added PolygonRenderComponent that renders the polygon of the entity. (Debugging)
- Added BoundsRenderComponent that renders the bounds of the entity's polygon. (Debugging)
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing Tiled maps from rendering.
- Fixed the alpha issue in DynamicRenderer so that dynamic batches without a texture are visible.
This release added a lot of major bug fixes, and also some new features. Starting with this release, we say that the android backend is now essentially complete and tested, and is ready to be used for real games. Here are a list of changes:
New features
- Added a picking system (#59)
- Engine modularity for non-essential features (#79)
- Modal dialogs support for blocking input (#84)
- Implemented FileWriter for writing files (#85)
- Implemented Preferences API for persistent settings and game data (#87)
- Pre-create renderers and programs in
Major bug fixes
- Completely asynchronous File handling (#78)
- Fix performance issue on DynamicTree2D and DynamicTree3D (#83)
- Android backend crashes on relaunch (#86)
Other bug fixes
- Synchronization for ReusableStack
- Fixed progress bar rendering in ResourceLoadingState
- Fixed Polygon.getBounds() to calculate correct bounds
- Large images are now auto-resized on load if greater than hardware limits
- Auto-paused sounds on Android will not play if the app re-launched
- Android backend now properly destroys old audio context
With these changes, this is an important release, and all the users are advised to switch to the new version. There are a lot of performance improvements, and a lot of new features. There are no changes to the existing API except for a few additions.
The changes from the previous release are the following:
- Reduced Android requirement to API Level 21 (Lollipop)
- Modified shaders to use GL330 shading language
- Restructured the Geometry classes (see #47 for more details)
- Added error callbacks for all asynchronous methods
- Made
s to do asynchronous IO, fixed file size bug in GWT backend
Bug fix release v1.0.10
Fixed some bugs over version v1.0.1. Here are the details of the bugs fixed.
- Fixed
not rendering some characters. - Added a callback to
to be notified after successful icon change. - Fixed
causing crash when playing looping sounds. - Fixed
from incorrectly renderingSubTexture
. - Fixed
not callingSprite.update
method. - Fixed a crash in android backend when setting icon to the game.
- Fixed texture lookup artifacts when using
class by implementing Half-Pixel Correction
All users are requested to update soon, this doesn't introduce any API changes.
The changes from previous release are the following.
- Refactored the engine into modules
- Implemented Html5 and Android backends
- IO Entirely switched to Asynchronous to satisfy Html5
- Added BitmapFont support
- Finished SceneGraph for both 2D and 3D scenes.
- Implemented Entity-Component structure in scene.
- Removed the 3D Model and Lighting classes (will come in next version)
These are the major changes. There are a lot of minor changes too. The next version will add in the 3D Model Loading and renderers, with possibly animation support.
Use the project creator for this release, or use the libraries individually.
This is a beta release, but it can be used to make 2D and 3D games now. The changelog is as follows:
- Support for TileD Maps
- Support for Static Meshes
- Introduced ModelBatch and SpriteBatch for fast batching
- Introduced new Scene2D and Scene3D implementations
- Several bug fixes to math and collision classes
- Implemented Frustum Culling on the CPU
The next version is going to have a new Shader API (functions that you can import into your shaders) and a deferred shading pipeline.
v0.0.3 Alpha
This is a pre-release alpha version. This version focuses on the lower level, with OOP wrapper classes for the GLFW library. Also controller support is now implemented, and now you can programmatically send input events to the engine. On the graphics part, lighting is now implemented, and a wrapper on the Batcher which simulates the Java2D's Graphics2D in OpenGL.
This release is still documentation incomplete, but it is complete for the audio, glfw, and also input packages. More documentation will be done soon, in version 0.0.4a. Also, there are a number of bugfixes in the collision stuff, and the colliders are now using Java 8 streams. The next version will have a planned entity component system, and the Batcher based utilities SpriteBatch and ModelBatch.
v0.0.2 Alpha
This is a pre-release alpha version. This alpha adds a lot of features to the previous version along with a lot of bug fixes. The main notable changes was the collision detection system.The collision detection is totally complete in both 2D and 3D.
This version also added the OBJ model format, allowing you to load models which are in OBJ file format. Though this release is an alpha version, the engine is now usable for 2D games. Hopefully, the engine will be usable for 3D games in the next release.
v0.0.1 Alpha
This is a pre-release alpha version. There are many things that are ready to be done, like fixing up vector math classes, and improving the performance of collision detection.
There is no 3D implemented until now (regarding collision detection and asset loading) that will be implemented in the next alpha, v0.0.2.