A Haskell command line wrapper around haveibeenpwned
Latest version: v0.2.0.1
Usage: squeal -v | -e <email> | -ef <email_address_file> (apiDelay) | -p
To list breaches for an email address use:
squeal -e [email protected]
which will return an output like:
Breached Accounts:
- Site1
- Site2
- Site3
To use a file with multiple emails (each on separate lines) use:
squeal -ef your-email-file
Requests to the breaches and pastes APIs are limited to one per every 1500 milliseconds.
Because of this squeal defaults to sending breach requests every 1600ms. You can override this value by specifying another request delay. For example to use a 1800ms delay instead use:
squeal -ef your-email-file 1800
To verify a password has not been pwned use:
squeal -p
which will return an output like:
Password stolen: True
Install via brew:
brew tap ssanj/homebrew-squeal
brew install squeal
Alternatively, download the latest release from the releases page.
Download the latest release from releases page.
Simply upgrade through brew:
brew upgrade --cleanup squeal
Build with:
Build and install (to ~/.local/bin) with:
run -v | -e <email> | -ef <email_address_file> (apiDelay) | -p
- Bump version in package.yaml:
- make changes
- commit changes
- tag changes to match version:
git tag 'vX.Y.Z'
- push commit
- push tags:
git push --tags
- update README (this file) with latest version link
- push commit
- Grab SHA256 of squeal-vX.Y.Z-osx.tar.gz from Travis
- Update homebrew tap with latest version and hash.
- commit and push