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additional badge to an article for Shopware 5

A shopware 5 plugin for adding an additional badge to an article similar to the existing bagdes discount, highlight and new.

Possible Configurations

  • select the position of the additional badge (before the discount badge, before the highlight badge, before the new badge, before the esd badge or after the esd badge)
  • set the background color of the additional badge
  • set the font color of the additional badge
  • select if the discount badge should be shown in the product box
  • select if the highlight badge should be shown in the product box
  • select if the new badge should be shown in the product box
  • select if the esd badge should be shown in the product box
  • select if the additional badge should be shown in the product box
  • select if the badges should be shown on the article detail page
  • select if the discount badge should be shown on the article detail page
  • select if the highlight badge should be shown on the article detail page
  • select if the new badge should be shown on the article detail page
  • select if the esd badge should be shown on the article detail page
  • select if the additional badge should be shown on the article detail page

How to install the plugin

via console (recommended)

  1. Download the latest
  2. Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.
  3. Move the folder to the project folder custom/plugins/ .
  4. Connect to the console via ssh:
bin/console sw:plugin:refresh
bin/console sw:plugin:install sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5
bin/console sw:plugin:activate sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5

via zip upload

  1. Download the latest
  2. Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.
  3. Zip the folder to
  4. Upload the zip in the Shopware Backend.
  5. Install & Activate the plugin.

Plugin update (zip)

  1. Download the latest
  2. Unzip the zip file and rename the folder to sschreierAdditionalbadgesw5.
  3. Zip the folder to
  4. Upload the zip in the Shopware Backend.
  5. Update the plugin.


show the additional badge in the product box

show the additional badge in the product box

show the additional badge on the article detail page

show the additional badge on the article detail page

configure the badges within the plugin configuration

configure the badges within the plugin configuration

set the additional badge for an article

set the additional badge for an article