Darkstar is an API to flush multiple HTTP cache servers, including CDN.
Flush Fasterize cache:
curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:9080/v1/caches/fasterize/zones/${FASTERIZE_CONFIG_ID} \
-H Content-Type:application/json \
--data '{"authorizationToken": "${FASTERIZE_API_KEY}"}'
Flush Fasterize and KeyCDN caches:
curl -v -X DELETE http://localhost:9080/v1/caches/zones \
-H Content-Type:application/json \
--data '{"fasterize": {"authorizationToken": "${FASTERIZE_API_KEY}", "zoneID": "${FASTERIZE_CONFIG_ID}"}, "keycdn": {"authorizationToken": "${KEYCDN_API_KEY}", "zoneID": "${KEYCDN_ZONE_ID}"}}'
Install tools:
npm install -g typescript gulp-cli typings
Install dependencies:
typings install
npm install
Start Darkstar:
gulp start
Run tests:
gulp test
Continuously run tests:
gulp watch-test
When started, go to http://localhost:9080/doc