API for sending custom metrics to Stackify.
Custom Metrics Overview:
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There are four different types of metrics:
- Gauge: Keeps track of the last value that was set in the current minute
- Counter: Calculates the rate per minute
- Average: Calculates the average of all values in the current minute
- Timer: Calculates the average elapsed time for an operation in the current minute
- CounterAndTimer: Composite of the Counter and Timer metrics for convenience
All metrics are identified with a category and name. We will group metrics with the same category when they are displayed in Stackify. Use the MetricFactory to get different types of metrics. See below for more details on the operations available for each type of metric.
Gauge gauge = MetricFactory.getGauge("MyCategory", "MyGauge");
Be sure to properly shutdown to flush any queued metrics and shutdown the background thread:
You need a stackify-api.properties file on your classpath that defines the configuration required for the Metrics API:
Note: If you are logging from a device that has the stackify-agent installed, the environment setting is optional. We will use the environment associated to your device in Stackify.
Instead of providing a properties file in your classpath, you can configure the Metrics API programmatically:
ApiConfiguration.Builder builder = ApiConfiguration.newBuilder();
ApiConfiguration config = builder.build();
This needs to be done at application startup before any other interactions with the Metrics API.
Note: If you are logging from a device that has the stackify-agent installed, the environment setting is optional. We will use the environment associated to your device in Stackify.
// Get a Gauge metric
Gauge gauge = MetricFactory.getGauge("MyCategory", "MyGauge");
// Set the value of the metric to v
// Adds v to the current value of the metric
// Subtracts v from the current value of the metric
// Automatically report 0 for the value of the metric if not set
// Automatically report the last value for this metric if not set
// Get a Counter metric
Counter counter = MetricFactory.getCounter("MyCategory", "MyCounter");
// Adds 1 to the current value of the metric
// Adds v to the current value of the metric
// Subtracts 1 from the current value of the metric
// Subtracts v from the current value of the metric
// Adds v to the current value of the metric
// Subtracts v from the current value of the metric
// Automatically report 0 for the value of the metric if not set
// Get a Average metric
Average average = MetricFactory.getAverage("MyCategory", "MyAverage");
// Adds a value to the average metric
// Automatically report 0 for the value of the metric if not set
// Automatically report the last value for this metric if not set
// Get a Timer metric
Timer timer = MetricFactory.getTimer("MyCategory", "MyTimer");
// Calculates the time taken for this operation using the start time d (java.util.Date)
// Calculates the time taken for this operation using the start time d (milliseconds)
// Sets the time taken for this operation to d (milliseconds)
// Automatically report 0 for the value of the metric if not set
// Get a CounterAndTimer metric (composite of a Counter metric and Timer metric)
CounterAndTimer counterAndTimer = MetricFactory.getCounterAndTimer("MyCategory", "MyCounterAndTimer");
// Counter: Adds 1 to the current value of the metric
// Timer: Calculates the time taken for this operation using the start time d (java.util.Date)
// Counter: Adds 1 to the current value of the metric
// Timer: Calculates the time taken for this operation using the start time d (milliseconds)
// Counter: Adds 1 to the current value of the metric
// Timer: Sets the time taken for this operation to d (milliseconds)
// Automatically report 0 for the value of the metric if not set
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.