With the StackMob Java Client SDK, you can integrate StackMob into any Java / JVM application.
Here are some example usages:
- Connect your Android app to your StackMob app (there is also an Android SDK that provides additional Android specific functionality)
- Connect your Java command line utility to your StackMob app
- Connect your Tomcat, JBoss, etc... app to your StackMob app
Hopefully you can see the pattern here. With this library, you can connect almost any JVM to your StackMob app and access the same app data as with the iOS, Android and Ruby SDKs.
libraryDependencies += "com.stackmob" % "stackmob-java-client-sdk" % "0.1.5"
Download this JAR and put it on your CLASSPATH
The main interface to your app on StackMob's servers is through the com.stackmob.sdk.api.StackMob object. Check out the javadoc for details. The following code shows basic use of the StackMob object.
import com.stackmob.sdk.api.StackMob;
import com.stackmob.sdk.exception.StackMobException;
final String API_KEY = "YOUR API KEY HERE";
//leave this as a blank string if you don't have a user object.
//if you leave it blank, however, you must not call login, logout or any of the twitter or facebook methods,
//so we highly recommend that you set up a user object
final String USER_OBJ_NAME = "users";
//0 for sandbox, 1 or higher for a deployed API
final Integer API_VERSION = 0;
StackMob stackmob = new StackMob(API_KEY, API_SECRET, USER_OBJ_NAME, API_VERSION);
class MyObject {
public String primary_key;
public long createdDate;
public long lastModDate;
public String objectName;
public MyObject(String n) {
this.objectName = n;
MyObject object = new MyObject("test object");
//create an object
stackmob.post("myobject", object, new StackMobCallback() {
@Override public void success(String responseBody) {
//handle the successul set
@Override public void failure(StackMobException e) {
//handle the failure
The SDK includes StackMobQuery and StackMobQueryWithField classes to make building large queries easier than building up a Map of parameters. Here's how to use them:
import com.stackmob.sdk.api.StackMobQuery;
import com.stackmob.sdk.api.StackMobQueryWithField;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.gson.reflect.TypeToken;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
final Gson gson = new Gson();
StackMob stackmob = new StackMob(API_KEY, API_SECRET, USER_OBJ_NAME, API_VERSION);
//this query represents all myobject objects named "object1" or "object2" that were created between 10 and 50 milliseconds ago (inclusive)
long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
StackMobQuery q = new StackMobQuery("myobject")
.field("objectName").in(Arrays.asList("object1", "object2"))
.field("createddate").isLessThanOrEqualTo(curTime - 10).isLessThanOrEqualTo(curTime - 50);
stackmob.get(q, new StackMobCallback() {
@Override public void success(String responseBody) {
//responseBody will be a list of MyObject instances
Type myObjectListType = new TypeToken<List<MyObject>>() {}.getType();
List<MyObject> objects = gson.fromJson(responseBody, collectionType);
//do something with your objects
@Override public void failure(StackMobException e) {
//handle the failure
We use Github to track issues with the SDK. If you find any issues, please report them here, and include as many details as possible about the issue you encountered.
We encourage contributions to the StackMob SDK. If you'd like to contribute, fork this repository and make your changes. Before you submit a pull request to us with your changes, though, please keep the following in mind:
- We strive to maintain Android compatability. Please make a best effort to ensure that your code runs on Android.
- Be sure to test your code against live StackMob servers. To do, use com.stackmob.sdk.StackMobTestCommon in your tests so that you can change your API keys in one place.
- If your tests must run with a specific server configuration (ie: specific object model, etc...), please include a descr
Copyright 2011 StackMob
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.