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User Stories for sprint 1

ishumatil edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 11 revisions

User story 1

User Registration

This user story is assigned to UmaMahesh.

Description: In this story, the registration for the new users will be provided and the data will be stored for that user in the database and the user profile will also be maintained with the user's personal details and the activites done by the user on the website, thus profile will also have some basic crud operations (i.e. update profile, delete profile, change password etc.). MongoDB will be used for this user service.

Request: get the user details of the mentioned field (i.e. name, email, username, password etc).

Response: resgister the particular user to the website.

User story 2

User Authentication

This story is assigned to Ishu Matil.

Description: This user story will handle the authentication of the users during the sign in of the user to the system. When the user will login this will cross check the username and the password of the user with the databus that he/she entered during the registration. This service will use the MySQL database.

Request: get the username and password from the user.

Response: allow user to login if it is already registered.

User story 3

Question service

This user story is assigned to Pratima Verma.

Description: This user service provide the question list for the particular section. MongoDB will be used for this user service.

Request: (QuestionTitle,QuestionDescription,inputFormat,outputFormat,difficulty,tags,testcases).

Response: (if success)--->Question posted successfully.

User story 4


This user story is assigned to Keshav and Siddharth.

Description: This user story will manages the editor functions for the question that will be choosed to solve. How it will be shown and what will be functionalities it should have to code will be handled here.

Request: get the compilation and the and run the code entered by the user.

Response: Show the results to the user for the code that has run.

User story 5


This user story is assigned to Rohit M. Patil.

Description: Recommendation of practice section questions to the users as per their interests and the questions or the excercises that they have attempted previously. Graph database will be used for this user story.

User story 6


This story is assigned to Kishlay Verma.

Description: It will handle how to implement message bus using Kafka. It is going to be used for communication purpose(data transfer) between two or more micro services.

User story 7

Eureka Services, Architecture design, config server and API gateway

This story is assigned to Ujjawala Yati.


  • Api gateway : It will be used to route the all the requests from the UIto the respective microservices.
  • Config Server : It will be used to externalize all the configuration propertize to Git repository, so that any change in the properties can be directly reflected to the microservices without redeploying it.
  • Eureka Server : It is service registry and discovery server i.e address book of micro services, where all the micro services register themselves and also discover other registered micro services.

User story 8


This story will be handled by Namita Arora.

Description: This story will handled how the services will be run in the docker. How the image will be created for the services and when we have to up the docker and when we have to destroy the container for the service, will be handled here.