Deadlocks are the most terrible enemies of all programmers who make multithreaded programs. If you are a one of them - this library is going to help you out.
Get the locklib from the pip:
$ pip install locklib
And use a lock from this library as a usual Lock
from the standard library:
from threading import Thread
from locklib import SmartLock
lock = SmartLock()
counter = 0
def function():
global counter
for _ in range(1000):
with lock:
counter += 1
thread_1 = Thread(target=function)
thread_2 = Thread(target=function)
assert counter == 2000
In this case the lock helps us not to get a race condition, as the standard Lock
does. But! Let's trigger a deadlock and look what happens:
from threading import Thread
from locklib import SmartLock
lock_1 = SmartLock()
lock_2 = SmartLock()
def function_1():
while True:
with lock_1:
with lock_2:
def function_2():
while True:
with lock_2:
with lock_1:
thread_1 = Thread(target=function_1)
thread_2 = Thread(target=function_2)
And... We have an exception like this:
locklib.errors.DeadLockError: A cycle between 1970256th and 1970257th threads has been detected.
Deadlocks are impossible for this lock!
If you want to catch the exception, import this from the locklib too:
from locklib import DeadLockError
Deadlock detection based on Wait-for Graph.