Your one stop shop for finless spin-stabilized projectiles
We're not too fancy here. Get started by cloning the repo
git clone
You'll need some basic packages for scientific computing with Python
- Python 3.6 or higher
- numpy==1.16.2
- scipy==1.2.1
- matplotlib==3.0.3 And some more exotic ones
- numpy-quaternion==2020.
- numba==0.43.1 Stabsim relies on Digital DATCOM to calculate aerodynamic coefficients. A compiled version of the fortran is provided but its unlikely to work for everyone's set up. If you experience issues with DATCOM
- Download the Digital Datcom via Public Domain Aeronautical Software
- Install the Fortran compiler
. On Ubuntu this is as simple as
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install gfortran
- Compile
using the legacy version of gfortran
gfortran -std=legacy datcom.f -o datcom
Stabsim can be used as either as a python library or as an graphical application.
Even as stabsim's gui changes the command-line interface should remain fairly stagnant. Examples are provided in examples/
. A sample is provided below for convenience
motor_dim = "data/H550_dim.csv"
motor_thrust = "data/H550_thrust.txt"
rocket = "data/Marvin.csv"
marvin = Rocket.fromfile(os.path.join(script_dir, rocket))
h550 = Motor.fromfiles(os.path.join(script_dir, motor_dim), os.path.join(script_dir, motor_thrust))
baby_spacehot = Profile(marvin, h550, 262, launch_altit=26000, length=5, timesteps=100)
As you can see, sample motors and airframe data is provided in the data\
folder. To run stabsim on a new configuration you'll need to provide information about the motor and the airframe. Motor information can be loaded using
- the industry standard RASP file format
- a csv with motor file specification
- raw numerical values
- any combination thereof
Airframe information can be loaded using
- a csv file with airframe specifications
- a DATCOM file with airframe specifications
- some combination thereof
For examples of how to format .csv files again refer to the
Clearly this is a lot of data. The graphical application makes it all a bit easier to manage. You can either load information using these file formats or manually input your vehicles specifications. Be warned that the GUI does abstract away a few features that are more readily accessible via the CLI.
- TKInter - Python Interface to TK GUI toolkit
- Sun Valley - A stunning theme for ttk based on Microsoft's Sun Valley visual style
- Digital DATCOM - by USAF via PDAD
- NRMLSISE-00 - atmospheric model
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
The many many many folks whose sweat and tears have gone into Spaceshot