Phalcon Translate Service. Simple way to translate your costom part of templates :-)
- 1.3.1 [FIX] Default language use
- 1.3 [FIX] Support for Phalcon 2.x // [Minor fix] Translate Adapter Native offsetGet is not work on 2.0
- 1.2 [FIX, FEATURE] The ability to reuse a set of translations in various services
- 1.1 Added setDefault() method to watch undefined languages
- PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 Standards
- PHP 5.4.x >
- Phalcon extension 1.3.x, 2.x
First update your dependencies through composer. Add to your composer.json:
"require": {
"stanislav-web/phalcon-translate": "1.*"
php composer.phar install
php composer.phar require stanislav-web/phalcon-translate 1.*
(Do not forget to include the composer autoloader)
Or manual require in your loader service
'Translate\Translator' => 'path to src'
You can create an injectable service
$this->di['translate'] = function() {
return new Translate\Translator();
LANG meant "ru", "en", "de"
PART meant "menu", "header", "footer"
return [
'MY ACCOUNT' => 'My Account',
'LOGIN' => 'Log in',
'LOGOUT' => 'Log out',
'WELCOME' => 'Welcome, %s! We glad to see you! You are %d',
// get translate service
$translate = $this->di->get('translate');
// forward slash must be... // lang can get from headers or cookies
// 1.1-stable Added setDefault() method to watch undefined languages
// so now you have a directory for "English"..
// Next you need to choise a part of translate.
// I do something like this
$this->view->setVars('t', $translate);
// ... in my view or layout i get a part of translate
echo $t->assign('menu')->translate('MY ACCOUNT'); // My Account
// or use otherwise
$this->partial('sidebar', ['t' => $t->assign('sidebar')]);
echo $t->translate('LOGIN');
// translate by template variable
printf($t->translate('WELLCOME'), 'User', 100); // Output: Welcome,User! We glad to see you! You are 100