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star3am committed Feb 7, 2025
1 parent 5e8ed39 commit c54103f
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Showing 31 changed files with 915 additions and 3,000 deletions.
173 changes: 30 additions & 143 deletions ansible-tower/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,148 +18,35 @@ With Red Hat® Ansible® Tower you can centralize and control your IT infrastruc

## Provision

`vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docker,docsify,minikube,ansible-tower`
<!-- tabs:start -->

Bringing machine 'hashiqube0.service.consul' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> hashiqube0.service.consul: Importing base box 'ubuntu/bionic64'...
==> hashiqube0.service.consul: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> hashiqube0.service.consul: Checking if box 'ubuntu/bionic64' version '20210623.0.0' is up to date...
==> hashiqube0.service.consul: Setting the name of the VM: hashiqube_hashiqube0serviceconsul_1630622011577_474
==> hashiqube0.service.consul: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> hashiqube0.service.consul: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Adapter 1: nat
hashiqube0.service.consul: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> hashiqube0.service.consul: Forwarding ports...
hashiqube0.service.consul: 22 (guest) => 2255 (host) (adapter 1)
hashiqube0.service.consul: 3000 (guest) => 3000 (host) (adapter 1)
hashiqube0.service.consul: 9090 (guest) => 9090 (host) (adapter 1)
hashiqube0.service.consul: 8200 (guest) => 8200 (host) (adapter 1)
hashiqube0.service.consul: Status: Downloaded newer image for redis:latest
hashiqube0.service.consul: Pulling postgres (postgres:12)...
hashiqube0.service.consul: 12: Pulling from library/postgres
hashiqube0.service.consul: Digest: sha256:1cb8f7fc2e6745ef577640de1c9fde04ff9498a7e0d067f1b8e6890ad4ba5073
hashiqube0.service.consul: Status: Downloaded newer image for postgres:12
hashiqube0.service.consul: Pulling receptor-hop (
hashiqube0.service.consul: latest: Pulling from project-receptor/receptor
hashiqube0.service.consul: Digest: sha256:3b1ec7a75962bc27891af7e87f60df5393f219d82484630cb1c7cf10202af369
hashiqube0.service.consul: Status: Downloaded newer image for
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_redis_1 ...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_postgres_1 ...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_postgres_1 ... done
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_redis_1 ... done
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_awx_1 ...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_awx_1 ... done
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_receptor_hop ...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_receptor_hop ... done
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_receptor_1 ...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_receptor_2 ...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_receptor_2 ... done
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating tools_receptor_1 ... done
hashiqube0.service.consul: ++++ Running docker exec tools_awx_1 make clean-ui ui-devel
hashiqube0.service.consul: rm -rf node_modules
hashiqube0.service.consul: rm -rf awx/ui/node_modules
hashiqube0.service.consul: rm -rf awx/ui/build
hashiqube0.service.consul: rm -rf awx/ui/src/locales/_build
hashiqube0.service.consul: rm -rf awx/ui/.ui-built
hashiqube0.service.consul: NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096 npm --prefix awx/ui --loglevel warn ci
hashiqube0.service.consul: added 2316 packages, and audited 2317 packages in 2m
hashiqube0.service.consul: 7 packages are looking for funding
hashiqube0.service.consul: run `npm fund` for details
hashiqube0.service.consul: 9 moderate severity vulnerabilities
hashiqube0.service.consul: To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm audit fix --force
hashiqube0.service.consul: Run `npm audit` for details.
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm
hashiqube0.service.consul: notice
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm
hashiqube0.service.consul: notice
hashiqube0.service.consul: New minor version of npm available! 7.20.3 -> 7.22.0
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm
hashiqube0.service.consul: notice
hashiqube0.service.consul: Changelog: <>
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm
hashiqube0.service.consul: notice
hashiqube0.service.consul: Run `npm install -g [email protected]` to update!
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm
hashiqube0.service.consul: notice
hashiqube0.service.consul: make[1]: Entering directory '/awx_devel'
hashiqube0.service.consul: python3.8 tools/scripts/
hashiqube0.service.consul: processing file django.po in /awx_devel/awx/locale/en-us/LC_MESSAGES
hashiqube0.service.consul: processing file django.po in /awx_devel/awx/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES
hashiqube0.service.consul: processing file django.po in /awx_devel/awx/locale/zh/LC_MESSAGES
hashiqube0.service.consul: processing file django.po in /awx_devel/awx/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES
hashiqube0.service.consul: processing file django.po in /awx_devel/awx/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES
hashiqube0.service.consul: processing file django.po in /awx_devel/awx/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm --prefix awx/ui --loglevel warn run compile-strings
hashiqube0.service.consul: > compile-strings
hashiqube0.service.consul: > lingui compile
hashiqube0.service.consul: Compiling message catalogs…
hashiqube0.service.consul: Done!
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm --prefix awx/ui --loglevel warn run build
hashiqube0.service.consul: > build
hashiqube0.service.consul: > INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false react-scripts build
hashiqube0.service.consul: Creating an optimized production build...
hashiqube0.service.consul: Compiled successfully.
hashiqube0.service.consul: File sizes after gzip:
hashiqube0.service.consul: 604.81 KB build/static/js/2.815e5b58.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 279.62 KB build/static/js/main.020cd60d.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 74.22 KB build/static/css/2.e1a87a1d.chunk.css
hashiqube0.service.consul: 49.78 KB build/static/js/9.3530b46c.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 41.79 KB build/static/js/6.c63a2fbd.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 38.5 KB build/static/js/5.3180cbb2.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 38.11 KB build/static/js/8.3dc1f177.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 36.98 KB build/static/js/4.4e3760ac.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 36.62 KB build/static/js/7.0eb36b20.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 25 KB build/static/js/3.ae40d317.chunk.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 1.22 KB build/static/js/runtime-main.49c4d4eb.js
hashiqube0.service.consul: 196 B build/static/css/main.e189280d.chunk.css
hashiqube0.service.consul: The project was built assuming it is hosted at /.
hashiqube0.service.consul: You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.
hashiqube0.service.consul: The build folder is ready to be deployed.
hashiqube0.service.consul: You may serve it with a static server:
hashiqube0.service.consul: npm install -g serve
hashiqube0.service.consul: serve -s build
hashiqube0.service.consul: Find out more about deployment here:
hashiqube0.service.consul: mkdir -p awx/public/static/css
hashiqube0.service.consul: mkdir -p awx/public/static/js
hashiqube0.service.consul: mkdir -p awx/public/static/media
hashiqube0.service.consul: cp -r awx/ui/build/static/css/* awx/public/static/css
hashiqube0.service.consul: cp -r awx/ui/build/static/js/* awx/public/static/js
hashiqube0.service.consul: cp -r awx/ui/build/static/media/* awx/public/static/media
hashiqube0.service.consul: touch awx/ui/.ui-built
hashiqube0.service.consul: make[1]: Leaving directory '/awx_devel'
hashiqube0.service.consul: ++++ Create superuser for AWX and setting password
hashiqube0.service.consul: CommandError: Error: That username is already taken.
hashiqube0.service.consul: Password updated
hashiqube0.service.consul: ++++ Loading AWX demo data
hashiqube0.service.consul: (changed: False)
hashiqube0.service.consul: ++++ Done
hashiqube0.service.consul: ++++ AWX and login with Username: admin and Password: password
#### **Github Codespaces**

bash hashiqube/
bash docker/
bash minikube/
bash ansible-tower/

[google ads](../googleads.html ':include :type=iframe width=100% height=300px')
#### **Vagrant**

vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docker,docsify,minikube,ansible-tower

#### **Docker Compose**

docker compose exec hashiqube /bin/bash
bash bashiqube/
bash docker/
bash docsify/
bash minikube/
bash ansible-tower/

<!-- tabs:end -->

## Summary
After provision, you can access AWX Ansible Tower on http://localhost:8043 and login with User: __admin__ and the Password displayed at the end of the Provision operation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,7 +278,7 @@ Back in Ansible Tower, click on __Jobs__ in the menue on the left
You should see a successful Job
![Ansible Tower](images/ansible-tower-job-details-windows.png?raw=true "Ansible Tower")

## CLI
One thing I've always struggled with was feedback from Ansible Tower to a pipeline, for example how do we know if a run succeeded or failed.
Then I discovered AWX CLI and TOWER CLI and it can be installed with pip

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,7 +403,7 @@ status

## Terraform calling Ansible Tower
## Terraform
So using the configuration above, let's use terraform to kick of an ansible run and display the output

We are going to use local-exec and remote-exec
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -941,11 +828,11 @@ <br /> <br /> <br />

## Ansible AWX Tower Vagrant Provisioner
## Ansible AWX Tower

[filename]( ':include :type=code')

## Terraform calling Ansible AWX
## Terraform and AWX

[filename]( ':include :type=code hcl')

Expand Down
42 changes: 36 additions & 6 deletions apache-airflow/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,9 +12,37 @@ Airflow is a platform created by the community to programmatically author, sched

## Provision

In order to provision apache airflow you need bastetools, docker, minikube as dependencies.
<!-- tabs:start -->
#### **Github Codespaces**

`vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docker,docsify,postgresql,minikube,dbt,apache-airflow`
bash hashiqube/
bash docker/
bash database/
bash minikube/
bash dbt/
bash apache-airflow/

#### **Vagrant**

vagrant up --provision-with basetools,docker,docsify,postgresql,minikube,dbt,apache-airflow

#### **Docker Compose**

docker compose exec hashiqube /bin/bash
bash bashiqube/
bash docker/
bash docsify/
bash database/
bash minikube/
bash dbt/
bash apache-airflow/
<!-- tabs:end -->

## Web UI Access

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,15 +75,15 @@ The `` just ssh into hashiqube to test the connection
# Airflow DAG run
![Airflow](images/airflow_dag_run_dbt.png?raw=true "Airflow")

# Airflow Task Instance
# Airflow Task
![Airflow](images/airflow_task_instance.png?raw=true "Airflow")

# Airflow Task Instance Result
# Airflow Task Result
![Airflow](images/airflow_task_result.png?raw=true "Airflow")

[google ads](../googleads.html ':include :type=iframe width=100% height=300px')

# Links and further reading
# Links

Expand All @@ -64,10 +92,12 @@ The `` just ssh into hashiqube to test the connection

## Apache Airflow Vagrant Provisioner
## Provisioner

[filename]( ':include :type=code')

## DAG

[filename](dags/ ':include :type=code')

[google ads](../googleads.html ':include :type=iframe width=100% height=300px')

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