To install using vim-plug:
Plug 'starcraftman/plug-search' | Plug 'tyru/open-browser.vim'
A short demo of current features.
Placeholder for an idea I had as a semi-official extension to vim-plug. Based on a small snippet I remember seeing from junegunn completing from vim-awesome. I don't think it quite fits inside vim-plug given the db, so better as a plugin itself.
Things it should do:
- Provide some basic search via description/tags (i.e. PlugSearch).
- Maintain a curated db of plugins with useful information. PRs welcome.
- Provide completion for Plug lines from this db. Toggleable.
- Generate a tags.json db from main db for finding related plugins.
- Provide some simple warnings of deprecations to users:
- Example, user using
(inactive) -> notify aboutctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim
(active) - Perhaps even detect when a plugin hasn't received a commit in x period and warn user? Might be annoying.
- Example, user using
To help people easily contribute/edit the json from vim.
Handy vim plugins:
Plug 'elzr/vim-json'
- Nice highlihting and concealing for json files.
Plug 'scrooloose/syntastic'
- Live writing syntax checker using jsonlint.
- Compress/decompress json inside vim easily (see jq below).
nnoremap <Leader>jq :%!jq .<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>jQ :%!jq . -c<CR>
Handy programs: