Contents from the site
This is a full export of the MediaWiki site from 18-09-2016.
It would be great if we could convert the XML
content to the Github wiki format.
If anyone has time, and PHP installed, perhaps they could take a look at:
Alternatively, if there's a way to convert the WikiMedia content to a HTML site that would be a great option too, since we could host it using Github pages.
Another option -
Which is a python solution, that I tried to have a quick go at -
The results are workable, but a lot of html/edge cases need weeding out - see the sample output here:
Supposing we just want to preserve the content, then maybe the best bet is to get a 'good enough' markdown conversion of each page from the original site before it went offline, and then we can hand tweak each file over time to make them render ok.
There's a demo of this now hosted at:
This is using a basic minima
default theme, possibly we should try a different Jekyll theme with a side bar navigation such as: