CodePush Server source
CodePush Server is a CodePush progam server! microsoft CodePush cloud is slow in China, we can use this to build our's. I use qiniu to store the files, because it's simple and quick! Or you can use local storage, just modify config.js file, it's simple configure.
- 苹果允许使用热更新Apple's developer agreement, 但是规定不能弹框提示用户更新,影响用户体验。 而Google Play恰好相反,必须弹框告知用户更新。然而中国的android市场都必须关闭更新弹框,否则会在审核应用时以“请上传最新版本的二进制应用包”驳回应用。
- react-native 不同平台bundle包不一样,在使用code-push-server的时候必须创建不同的应用来区分(eg. CodePushDemo-ios 和 CodePushDemo-android)
- react-native-code-push只更新资源文件,不会更新java和Objective C,所以npm升级依赖包版本的时候,如果依赖包使用的本地化实现, 这时候必须更改应用版本号(ios修改Info.plist中的CFBundleShortVersionString, android修改build.gradle中的versionName), 然后重新编译app发布到应用商店。
- 推荐使用code-push release-react 命令发布应用,该命令合并了打包和发布命令(eg. code-push release-react CodePushDemo-ios ios -d Production) 只是一个测试server,不要将自己生产环境的项目放在上面,服务器的宽带只有1M,而且服务没有做负载均衡和监控,稳定性不能保证,烦请大家自己搭建自己的服务。
$ code-push login #登录
$ npm install code-push-server -g
$ code-push-server-db init --dbhost localhost --dbuser root --dbpassword #初始化mysql数据库
$ code-push-server #启动服务 浏览器中打开
$ git clone
$ cd code-push-server
$ npm install
$ ./bin/db init --dbhost localhost --dbuser root --dbpassword #初始化mysql数据库
$ ./bin/www #启动服务 浏览器中打开
$ vim config/config.js
db: {
username: "root",
password: null,
database: "codepush",
host: "",
dialect: "mysql"
//七牛云存储配置 当storageType为qiniu时需要配置
qiniu: {
accessKey: "",
secretKey: "",
bucketName: "",
downloadUrl: "" //文件下载域名地址
//阿里云存储配置 当storageType为oss时需要配置
oss: {
accessKeyId: "",
secretAccessKey: "",
endpoint: "",
bucketName: "",
prefix: "", // 对象Key的前缀,允许放到子文件夹里面
downloadUrl: "", // 文件下载域名地址,需要包含前缀
//文件存储在本地配置 当storageType为local时需要配置
local: {
storageDir: "/Users/tablee/workspaces/storage",
//文件下载地址 CodePush Server 地址 + '/download' download对应app.js里面的地址
downloadUrl: "http://localhost:3000/download"
jwt: {
// 登录jwt签名密钥,必须更改,否则有安全隐患,可以使用随机生成的字符串
// Recommended: 63 random alpha-numeric characters
// Generate using:
common: {
dataDir: "/Users/tablee/workspaces/data",
storageType: "local"
read config.js
- 配置local存储,修改config/config.js中storageType值为local,配置中local下面storageDir和downloadUrl,如果不在同一台机器上,downloadUrl请指定域名或者ip地址
$ node ./bin/www # or code-push-server
or point config file and ENV
$ CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config.js NODE_ENV=production node ./bin/www # or CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config.js NODE_ENV=production code-push-server
notice. you have to change tokenSecret
in config.js for security.
you can change like this.
$ PORT=3000 HOST= NODE_ENV=production node ./bin/www # or PORT=3000 HOST= NODE_ENV=production code-push-server
Use code-push-cli manager CodePushServer
$ npm install code-push-cli@latest -g
$ code-push login #login in browser account:admin password:123456
change admin password eg.
$ curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer mytoken" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"oldPassword":"123456","newPassword":"654321"}'
react-native-code-push for react-native
$ cd /path/to/project
$ npm install react-native-code-push@latest --save
Follow the react-native-code-push docs, addition iOS add a new entry named CodePushServerURL, whose value is the key of ourself CodePushServer URL. Andriod use the new CodePush constructor in MainApplication point CodePushServerUrl
iOS eg. in file Info.plist
Android eg. in file
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new CodePush(
cordova-plugin-code-push for cordova
$ cd /path/to/project
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-code-push@latest --save
edit config.xml. add code below.
<platform name="android">
<preference name="CodePushDeploymentKey" value="nVHPr6asLSusnWoLBNCSktk9FWbiqLF160UDg" />
<preference name="CodePushServerUrl" value="" />
<platform name="ios">
<preference name="CodePushDeploymentKey" value="Iw5DMZSIrCOS7hbLsY5tHAHNITFQqLF160UDg" />
<preference name="CodePushServerUrl" value="" />
use pm2 to manage process.
$ npm install pm2 -g
$ cp config/config.js /path/to/production/config.js
$ vim /path/to/production/config.js #configure your env.
$ cp docs/process.yml /path/to/production/process.yml
$ vim /path/to/production/process.yml #configure your env.
$ pm2 start /path/to/production/process.yml
Use CodePush Web manage apps
add codePushWebUrl config in ./config/config.js
"common": {
"codePushWebUrl": "Your CodePush Web address",
MIT License read