Computer Science Student
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Operating Systems Course
All study materials for the Operating Systems Course @ Ariel University
An assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University, developed in C - UNIX tools, libaries, debugging, gdb, ddd, threads, fork, wait, exec, pipe
A custom-made version of Netcat in C/C++; Redirecting stdin & stdout using pipes allowing chat between terminals and program exec. As an assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel University
Synchronization and Kosaraju server - Implementing a server on a graph for finding SCC using Kosaraju's algo. The server receives graphs and changes in them, from multiple users in TCP communicatio…
Valgrind, Graph data structure and Euler : coverage reports, gprof, Valgrind memcheck, callGraph, helgrind and implemented singleton and lock gurad. As an assignment in Operating Systems @ Ariel Un…
Final Project in OS course: MST, Strategy/Factory, Client-Server, Threads, Active Object, Thread poll (Leader-Follower) and Valgrind. @ Ariel University