This is a simple template app for a Bitcoin-based crowdfunding site that adds even more server-side and client-side dynamic behavior over our earlier template. It uses three of the four technologies in the so-called MEAN stack: Express (E), Angular (A), and Node (N), and replaces MongoDB / Mongoose (M) with PostgreSQL / Sequelize. The app illustrates several of the following conceptual topics:
Factoring out secure server-side configuration variables into
files (1, 2) -
to force a database update, followed by a launch of the webserver (1) -
to limit the number of simultaneous queries to a remote API and to a database respectively (1, 2) -
Using asynchronous code to set up a recurring background process (a "daemon") (1)
Server-side templating with Embedded JS templates (1, 2, 3, 4)
Making a request to a remote API both on the server and in client-side code (1, 2, 3, 4)
Reusing code by putting object manipulation code into instance/class methods (1, 2, 3)
Let's install the app and then take a tour of the functionality.
To get the app up and running, execute the following commands on your EC2 instance:
curl | bash
exit # and then log in again
git clone
cd bitstarter-leaderboard
Once you have done this you will need to :
- Copy the .env.dummy file into
and include your API key from so that it looks like the snippet below. Note thatCOINBASE_API_KEY
is a secure API key that should never be checked into a git repository; that's why we exclude it in the .gitignore.
$ cp .env.dummy .env
$ emacs -nw .env # Add key from
$ cat .env
- Edit the constants.js file to include the preorder button from This is a non-secure code that is meant to be embedded in a public-facing webpage, so it's ok if you check this into git.
COINBASE_PREORDER_DATA_CODE: "13b56883764b54e6ab56fef3bcc7229c",
- Now you can run the server locally and preview at a URL like as follows:
foreman start
You can determine the hostname of your EC2 instance conveniently with this command:
curl -s
Try placing some orders and then going to the "/orders" URL at the top to
see them recorded. Also refresh the page to see the thermometer update. Note
that you will get an error if you didn't do the .env
step above.
Once the app works via foreman start
on your EC2 machine, you can deploy to Heroku and push
the configuration variables defined in .env
as follows:
git push heroku master
heroku config:push
Then you can go to a URL like and submit
orders to test it out. Note again that you will get an "invalid api key"
error if you didn't do the .env
step above.
Let's begin by taking a quick look at the files in the app. First, the major differences from are as follows:
is now replaced by the more sophisticatedviews/homepage.ejs
has a newline added to it, and a corresponding- CSS and JS have been pulled out of index.html and into
- A good deal of content has been added to the static files directory to reduce the number of HTTP requests to external servers.
Now let's go file by file:
Path | Description |
.env.dummy | Used as template for .env. Has COINBASE_API_KEY from |
.pgpass | Used by to instantiate the db |
constants.js | Several constants, including COINBASE_PREORDER_DATA_CODE from |
models/coinbase.js | Define a set of functions that downloads and parses remote Order data from Coinbase |
models/index.js | Initialize the connection between Sequelize and the PostgreSQL db. |
models/order.js | Define an Order class that works with data from the "Order" table in the PostgreSQL db |
package.json | Specify dependencies for the app | | Invoked by to create the Postgres DB. |
Procfile | Heroku file that determines which processes are run upon deployment |
public/css/bitstarter-styles.css | CSS styles for views/homepage.ejs |
public/fonts/opensans-300.woff | Google Font file |
public/fonts/ubuntu-300.woff | Google Font file |
public/fonts/ubuntu-700.woff | Google Font file |
public/img/480x300.gif | Placeholder image |
public/img/favicon.ico | Favorite icon ('favicon') for bookmarks/favorites |
public/js/angular.min.js | Angular JS file (see Used for thermometer on frontpage. |
public/js/coinbase-post-payment.js | Stub code to use once Coinbase fixes the coinbase_payment_complete event. |
public/js/controllers.js | Angular JS controllers. Contains controller for the thermometer in homepage.ejs. |
public/js/google-analytics.js | One of the two Google Analytics scripts. For ga.js. | | Documentation |
routes.js | Define the routes for the app: functions executed when specific URLs are requested. | | Set up an EC2 instance. Invokes |
views/homepage.ejs | Template for the index (served up for |
views/orderpage.ejs | Template for the order page (served up for |
web.js | Initialize express app, syncs db, and start HTTP server |
We use Express to set up our web server. Skim the Express documentation and then take a look at web.js and routes.js to see how we set up the app and the valid routes. We've also factored out many static assets into subdirectories into /public.
Recall again that static assets are files that do not change. When users
they will get the same file every time
(a static response). By contrast, a web page with content that changes based
on client- or server-side parameters is a dynamic web page; for example,
when a user requests
they will see something that
depends on the state of the database and thus will vary over time.
Note that in routes.js, we try to separate the code that
handles requests and responses from the code that actually manipulates
instances of the Order class. This illustrates a general
principle: as much as possible, you should ask objects to manipulate
themselves with instance methods and/or class methods rather than try to
work with an object's guts externally; see
models/order.js for details of doing this. We'll talk
more about how this is done in the
ORM section below, but
for now note that most request handlers have the form of asking global.db
for some data and then packing that data into an HTTP response of some kind.
In sum, Express is used here to organize the functions that are executed on the server to generate an HTTP response from an HTTP request - that is, to structure our webapp.
For illustrative purposes, we do two kinds of templating in this app: server-side templating of views/homepage.ejs and views/orderpage.ejs, and client-side templating in the thermometer on the homepage via Angular JS (also in views/homepage.ejs.
Let's talk about server-side templating first. The specific templating
engine here is set up in web.js, where we tell Express that .ejs
(Embedded Javascript) files are our templates of choice via the line
app.set('view engine', 'ejs').
Consider indexfn in routes.js. This uses
response.render to take the file
and populate it with a JSON data structure. Specifically,
the response.render invocation looks for variables in
<%= coinbase_preorder_data_code %> ) and replaces
them with the corresponding field of the JSON data structure as defined in
constants.js. It then wraps this in an HTTP response and
returns it to the client.
A slightly more complex example is in orderfn, also in
. Here we use the orders_json
JSON data structure to populate
the views/orderpage.ejs
file via response.render
, similar to what we did
in indexfn
. The main difference is that we put this logic
in a callback and send it into
global.db.Order.allToJSON, executing it right after
the orders
variable is built up via ORM and database operations.
These two examples illustrate the basic idea of server-side
templating. Rather than returning a fully static file like
, we separate out the static and dynamic
portions. We put the parts that don't change (the static parts) into a
template like views/orderpage.ejs
and then populate this template
dynamically with the remainder, returning the response to the client. All of
this is done on the server and the computation is invisible to the client;
they can't view the orders
variable directly, for example, by looking at
Network Requests
in the Chrome Developer Tools. They just see one HTTP response in response
to their HTTP request.
In this app we have a simple PostgreSQL relational database underlying the app that keeps a local mirror of the remote order data on Coinbase's servers. We create the db by running, which in turn invokes We interface with this database via the Sequelize Object-Relational Mapper (ORM), which provides a Javascript API to a relational database. The following figure provides an overview; take a look at it and then read the subsequent documentation:
While this kind of setup is canonical, it's worth asking a few questions about why a relational database and object-relational mapper combination is so common in web applications today.
Why use a DB? First, you might ask why we don't simply keep the order data in a simple
file and then reload it when the app boots up. This is the so-called 'flatfile' approach. We could certainly do this, but as our app scales and we get more and more data this approach has issues. For one thing, we would find it painful to modify the.json
file simultaneously if we had multiple web-servers writing to the same dataset. For another, a naive.json
file saved on disk will be very slow to search. As a third point, we may wish to extract information from this.json
file in a different manner from the way in which we saved it. Each of these things - parallelized reads/writes, rapid searching, and easy reporting via the Structured Query Language (SQL) - is facilitated by converting our data from flatfiles and keeping it in a relational database like PostgreSQL. -
Why use an ORM with the DB? Second, given that we are using a relational database, you might then ask why we don't simply interface directly with the relational database via a low-level library like
, which allows us to run SQL statements directly against the database. Why take on the overhead of an Object-Relational Mapper like Sequelize? The answer is that the so-called 'Active Record Paradigm' is a good match for many webapps. In a nutshell, the idea is that it is often very useful to conceive of tables in a relational database as mapping directly to classes, while rows of these tables contain the data for instances. In this framework the entire database can be thought of as an elaborate serialization/deserialization apparatus for Javascript objects. You rehydrate individual instances of JS classes from disk during the life of a program, and then dehydrate them and put them in cold storage (the relational database) when no longer needed in memory. That said, it's important to keep in mind that an ORM is a convenience and not a panacea: just as with flatfiles it is true that sometimes the Active Record paradigm breaks down and you need to directly interface with the database via SQL statements, for performance reasons or because you're doing some sort of report or dashboard that accesses the data via columns even though you saved it across rows. -
Why use a relational DB rather than a NoSQL DB? As a third point, you might note that this combination of Sequelize and PostgreSQL replaces the Mongoose/MongoDB combination which is the 'M' in the MEAN stack. Why don't we just use the so-called NoSQL Mongoose/MongoDB combo? Well, Mongoose/MongoDB is certainly one way to go if you really want a completely full-stack JS app. However, PostgreSQL has excellent support for JS and JSON nowadays, and is more mature than MongoDB. Moreover, the advantages of a so-called schemaless or NoSQL approach are greatest at the beginning of an app when the schema is changing rapidly, but eventually it actually becomes useful to have a schema to catch errors and prevent invalid operations. You will often find yourself reinventing a schema in code if you go down the MongoDB path, albeit without the extent of low-level schema support provided by a relational DB like PostgreSQL.
Once we've decided on an ORM/DB combination, in general we want to keep most
code related to manipulating data from the database in the corresponding
class or instance methods (in our case in models/order.js
). As a rough
rule of thumb, class methods operate on every instance in the class
(e.g. counts and totals), while instance methods access data associated with
particular instances. So as an example you'd use a class method (like
) to sum up the total amount of Bitcoin sent over all orders,
while you'd use an instance method (like a hypothetical
method) to determine the equivalent USD amount for a
given order in BTC. The latter method call needs the amount data on a
specific Order
instance, so it should be an instance method (though you
might request and cache the exchange rate itself via a class method).
We put these class and instance method definitions in order.js
, within the
the sequelize.define
invocation (see here). The main tricky part here is
the value of this
. Within a class method it refers to the entire class (in
this case Order
) while within an instance method it refers to a particular
instance (e.g. myorder
). Sometimes you need to save this variable and pass
it in to a callback; we do this in addFromJSON
to make the Order
accessible within a callback that runs on each individual instance.
Finally, here are some examples of working with the ORM in the node REPL.
// Execute from within the top level directory after pgsetup:
> require('./models')
> global.db.Order.numOrders()
Executing: SELECT count(*) as "count" FROM "Orders";
There are 25 Orders
> var foo = [];
> global.db.Order.findAll().success(function(_orders) { global['foo'].push(_orders);});
> var orders = foo[0];
> orders[0].repr()
{ coinbase_id: '84XZQO6L',
amount: 0.0001,
time: '2013-08-10T10:31:33-07:00',
id: 131,
createdAt: Fri Aug 10 2013 19:57:29 GMT+0000 (UTC),
updatedAt: Fri Aug 10 2013 19:57:29 GMT+0000 (UTC) }
We previously discussed server-side templating and how we combine a static
template (from order.ejs
or homepage.ejs
) with dynamic JSON data to create
a dynamic HTTP response that varies with the state of the database. If you
recall, our homepage.ejs
was partially templated on the server-side in the
within routes.js
by replacement of the portions surrounded by
special brackets, like the value of name
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a class="brand" href="#"><%= name %></a>
<div class="nav-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav">
<li class="active"><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#about">About</a></li>
However, you might have noticed an alternative bracket syntax coexisting
within the homepage.ejs
file, as shown surrounding num_orders
<div class="span5 actions" ng-controller="OrdersCtrl">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span8 offset2">
<div class="row-fluid statistics">
<div ng-show="!error">
<div class="span4">
<!-- linediv-l and linediv-r give dividing lines that look
different in horizontal and vertical layouts, illustrating
media queries. -->
<div class="linediv-l">
<h3>{{num_orders}}</h3> <p>backers</p>
This is because in homepage.ejs
we are also using a second kind of
templating: client-side templating. It is similar in concept to server-side
templating, except the population of the static template with the JSON data
occurs on the client side. Among other things, this means the client has
access to a JSON API that is returning some data.
In this app, the place that we're doing some client-side templating is in
the thermometer element. The data that comes from /api/orders
is being
used to update the thermometer. If you submit an order in a separate window,
and wait for the Coinbase data to be refreshed (via the setInterval
in web.js
) or manually refresh it yourself (by requesting
), the thermometer will then update upon a homepage
refresh. You can think of this client-side templating implementation as
simply populating the template variables in homepage.ejs
with data on the
client-side rather than on the server.
But things are a little more complicated than that. We're actually using a
client-side framework called AngularJS which offers something much more
sophisticated than simple templating. It actually does full-on two-way
databinding; see here for the concept and here for a worked example. The
basic difference between one-way templating and two-way databinding is that
in one-way templating the data is just used to populate variables in a
template (e.g. homepage.ejs
). In two-way databinding, however, actions on
elements of a templated page (like clicking a button or typing into a form
field) can in turn change the underlying data. Indeed, you can set it up
such that the same data is editable from several different places within a
page. Again, see here for the concept and here for a worked example. We
aren't using all the features of two-way databinding in our thermometer, but
it's worth understanding how Angular works in a simple use case.
To trace through the logic of how we're using Angular in our simple app,
let's start with the four Angular directives that we're using in
: ng-app
, ng-show
, ng-style
, and ng-controller
. First,
we put ng-app
at the top of the file and include angular.min.js
. Once
the Javascript from angular.min.js
is parsed and run by the browser, it
will look through the DOM, find the ng-app
declaration, and treat
everything underneath that node as subject to control/updating by
Angular. For simplicity, in this case we put ng-app
at the very top node,
in the <html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title><%= title %></title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/angular.min.js" ></script>
<script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
Then, towards the middle of the file, we use three directives: ng-show
, and ng-controller
. Of these, ng-controller
is the most
important. It sets up a relationship between this div and the code in
, which defines the OrdersCtrl
function. If you
look at public/js/controllers.js, it initiates an HTTP request to
, and uses the results to set up variables like num_orders
and total_funded
. It then uses these variables to populate the template
expressions like {{num_orders}}
We use the ng-show
directive to set up conditional logic on the basis of
whether or not the OrdersCtrl
function call returned an error or not. If
it did not (!error
) then we display the thermometer stats. If an error was
returned, we display an error message. Finally ng-style
is used to apply a
CSS style to an element dynamically based on one of the variables set up by
, namely percentage_funded
<!-- We define a new 'actions' div to contain statistics, order, and share buttons.-->
<div class="span5 actions" ng-controller="OrdersCtrl">
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span8 offset2">
<div class="row-fluid statistics">
<div ng-show="!error">
<div class="span4">
<!-- linediv-l and linediv-r give dividing lines that look
different in horizontal and vertical layouts, illustrating
media queries. -->
<div class="linediv-l">
<h3>{{num_orders}}</h3> <p>backers</p>
<div class="span4">
<div class="linediv-c">
<h3>{{total_funded}}</h3> <p>of {{target}} <span class="currency">{{unit_symbol}}</span></p>
<div class="span4">
<div class="linediv-r">
<h3>{{days_left}}</h3> <p>days left</p>
<div ng-show="error">
<div class="row-fluid" ng-show="!error">
<div class="span10 offset1">
<!-- Bootstrap progress bar -->
<!-- -->
<div class="thermometer progress active">
<div class="bar bar-success" ng-style="{'width': percentage_funded+'%'}"></div>
<div class="bar bar-warning" ng-style="{'width': (100-percentage_funded)+'%'}"></div>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6 offset3 order">
<a class="coinbase-button"
data-button-text="Preorder with Bitcoin"
data-custom="Finished order"
data-code="<%= coinbase_preorder_data_code %>"
href="<%= coinbase_preorder_data_code %>">Preorder with Bitcoin</a>
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span9 offset3 social">
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_tweet" tw:via="<%= twitter_username %>" tw:text="<%= twitter_tweet %>"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->
To trace through the logic of how the thermometer data is populated, see the
route in the next section.
The following figures illustrate how the server-side and client-side
components of the app work together by tracing the path of the four routes
implemented in our app: /
, /api/order
, /refresh_orders
, and
Warning: these figures are large. You can also download PDF versions here: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
First, let's take a look at how an HTTP request to
is handled
by our app. This about as simple as it gets in terms of generating a dynamic
HTTP response from an HTTP request; there's no database interaction and a
simple template is populated with some constant JSON data and returned to
the client.
Now let's look at a more complicated route, an HTTP request to
. This request now involves hitting the database via the ORM and
using that data to populate the orderpage.ejs
template. This is perhaps
the most common way to generate a dynamic response.
Now let's increase the level of complexity a little more, and show how to
implement a route that doesn't directly return an HTTP response, but that
redirects to the /orders
route after performing a database operation.
Finally, let's take a look at a fairly sophisticated route. This route is never meant to be called directly by the end user; it's actually used by the client-side code in the thermometer on the front page to refresh itself from the latest set of orders in the database.