Messaging & Communities team
1. Finish anything that wasn't completed in the previous 0.14 cycle
- And fix bugs as usual. We need to keep tech. debt at a roughly fixed level as we grow out functionality, can't let it accumulate! ;-)
2. Tokenisation of community ownership
- Work needed already evaluated in spike. Community and 'Channel in a Community' URLs …
Messaging & Communities team
1. Finish anything that wasn't completed in the previous 0.14 cycle
- And fix bugs as usual. We need to keep tech. debt at a roughly fixed level as we grow out functionality, can't let it accumulate! ;-)
2. Tokenisation of community ownership
- Work needed already evaluated in spike. Community and 'Channel in a Community' URLs don't need to be signed if this will present problems. Patryk to work on this as a continuation of the spike already done.
- See priority 4 below, as this also has some implications for the tokenisation of community work.
3. Community tokens visible in wallet when received by user who is not a member of that community
- Solution obvs. needs to be fully decenteralised and permissionless
- Perhaps whenever a community token is A) sent from a Status Wallet to another user or B) airdropped by a community or C) retailed by a community, a M2M (invisible to the user) Waku message should be sent to the recipient's ethereum address?
- This message could either: A) contain the metadata for the token B) tell the user that they have received token, and to check the metadata in either another Waku channel where Control Nodes periodically post Metadata OR check the metadata embedded in the token contract (embedding metadata in the token contract might be a better idea?).
- The token metadata stored in the token contract is signed by the Community's private key to ensure authenticity. When the community's private key changes due to ownership of a community being transferred or due to the control node being moved, a transaction must be made to update this metadata so it is signed by the community's new private key.
- See here for how a Waku message can be sent to and Ethereum address https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/20/
4. Discord history import into a single channel in an existing community
- Pay off any Discord history import service tech. debt first
- Then build the import into a single channel functionality, designs for this are already complete
5. UI for community owner to enable manual Waku static shading for their community
- This will be off by default in 0.15
- This UI is only for the Owner of a community (not TokenMasters or Admins)
- Figma designs are here https://www.figma.com/file/qHfFm7C9LwtXpfdbxssCK3/Kuba%E2%8E%9CDesktop---Communities?type=design&node-id=37242%3A222352&mode=design&t=rw6q6NQYmiz3rSn2-1
Wallet Team
1. Finish anything that wasn't completed in the previous 0.14 cycle
- And fix bugs as usual. We need to keep tech. debt at a roughly fixed level as we grow out functionality, can't let it accumulate! ;-)
. Sending Community created tokens to Status users who are not members of that community
- See priority 4) in the messaging priorities list above.
3. Send NFT functionality
4. Updated wallet settings with keypair syncing
This milestone is closed.
No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.