Git Based Leaves management system
Project status: Still in early stage but we use it in production
- Pull requests based leaves management. Most natural for software development team
- Github friendly workflow
- Generates github wiki friendly markdown reports. Markdown can be used by different static site generators too
- leaves.<YYYY>.csv
- extras.<YYYY>.csv
MMDD [- MMDD], Name, Reason / Details [Optional]
MMDD [- MMDD], Name, Reason / Details [Optional]
1115 - 1126, Tony Stark, Hawaii
1129 - 1210, Peter Parker,
1129 - 1202, Bruce Wayne,
1220 - 1224, Loki Laufeyson, Smell the flowers
- Create a git repo for your organization's leaves data
mkdir leavesdata
cd leavesdata
git init
mkdir data
fname=data/leaves.`date +%Y`.csv
# example data
echo `1129 - 1202, Bruce Wayne,` >> $fname
echo `1220 - 1224, Loki Laufeyson, Smell the flowers` >> $fname
git commit -a
git push origin main
- Install gitleaves
pip install gitleaves
- Generate reports
gitleaves genreports
ls reports/
- Automate report generation Document github actions based report generation
- Apply for leave(s) by adding records to leaves.YYYY.csv
- Raise a PR
- Leave is approved if the PR is merged
- Human Readable data files (as much possible)
This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
project template.
- Cookiecutter:
- audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage`: