Lua plugin for Wireshark for parsing QD protocol.
Wireshark >= 3.6.2, <= 4.0.12
Copy files (qd_proto.lua and qd_proto folder) to Wireshark Lua Plugins folder. Location Lua Plugins folder you can find out in Help->About Wireshark->Folders (on macOS Wireshark->About Wireshark->Folders) Its may be "Global Lua Plugin" or "Personal Lua Plugin" (the user's personal folder is preferred, because it does not require administrator rights).
Start Wireshark, there should be no error messages related to any plugins, now select (as before) Help, then About Wireshark, instead of clicking the Folders Tab, select the Plugins Tab.
To reassemble of out-of-order TCP segments, the TCP protocol preference “Reassemble out-of-order segments” (currently disabled by default). If this setting is not enabled, QD packets may not be recognized in the event of errors at the TCP layer. You can enable this setting in Edit->Preferences->Protocols->TCP.
Press right button on the packet and select "Decode As...". In the window that opens, select value for TCP port and Current protocol QD, press OK.
The plugin has some settings that are available by pressing the right button on packet. Warning, if you use "Decode As...", you cannot change "TCP port" or flag "Enabled" in plugin settings, Wireshark will overwrite these changes (other settings will be available), but this way to easier and fast then open Edit->Preferences->Protocols->QD and set TCP-port.