hexa query interface
Work In Progress,
hqi is meant to interface a flat table query into a common solution and also to easly mock the interface for testing units
to create query interface we use q := hqi.NewQuery( driver )
Using slicedrv
Lets define a struct:
type Model struct {
Field1 string,
Field2 int
Next we instantiate our slice:
collection := []Model{}
Now we get a query interface using slice driver passing our collection to driver:
q := hqi.NewQuery(&slicedrv.Driver{&collection})
And we can start:
q.Insert(Model{"f1","f2"},Model{"f1_1","f2_2"}) // Inserts the two elements into slice
var result []Model{}
q.Find(`{"Field1":"f1"}`,Model{"f1_1","f2_2"}).List(&result) // Find where Field1 is f1 OR field1 "f1_1" AND field2 "f2_2"
- Create driver capabilitie struct so if we are registering a subDocument driver will identify if it can process
- Finder features with operators >= <= < > !=
- Update operation
- Matcher with Greater,Smaller checks, Zero fields
- Create a cursor to fetch parcels of data
- Schemer (information to pass to driver when user wants a scheme) (staging)
- Insert operation (staging)
- Delete (staging)
- OR
// will perform obj1 OR obj2 q.Find(obj1,obj2)
// will perform f1 = 1 AND f2 = 2
// Will delete like (name = 'aaa' AND value = 5) OR (name = 'bbb')
- Require complex filter
- Easy to add
oper | function | equivalence |
NOT | Inverse match | ! |
GT | Greater Than | > |
GTE | Greater equal or equal | >= |
LT | Less than | < |
LTE | Less than or equal | < |
- Match
- Sort
- Range
- Retrieve, Count,Delete,Update (CRUD here)
On stage based means, that if we perform a
query. means we should have only Find option/Match
After find we can have SORT, LIMIT,RESULT
- Stage1 return Find/Schema/Insert (Match)
- Stage2 sort, range, results
- Stage3 All/Delete/Count executors
rules for Find, if we have a model:
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
we could create a "cloned" Sampler as:
type PersonSampler struct {
Name interface{}
Age interface{}
q.FindS(PersonSampler{Age:0}). // Usually 0 is nothing and won't match
// Or also: