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Job Regenerator

To enable concurrent pipeline builds (i.e. submitting two pipelines in parallel), we have implemented a "job regeneration" system for each JDK version.


All of our pipelines make use of downstream jobs to build Adopts JDK's. In short, the jobs are created in the pipelines with a set of configurations passed down to them. To create these jobs, we utilise a plugin called job dsl to create a dsl file for each downstream job, containing the configurations, node label, etc.

In the past, we created these dsl's in the pipeline files. So each time we wanted to create a downstream job, we would create all of the job dsl's that were possible for the pipeline and pick the one that we needed. Not only was this resource intensive and slow, but it also meant that concurrent builds were impossible due to the risk of one builds dsl's overwriting another's. This is why we have created pipeline job generators to create the dsl's for the pipelines to use, instead of creating them in the pipeline jobs.

The job regenerators are essentially downstream job makers. They pull in the targetConfigurations and build the job DSL's for each possible downstream job. The pipelines can use these job dsl's to create their downstream jobs since they are created in the same node as them (the controller). This way, each of the pipelines has a fresh dsl each time, no matter how many builds are running at once.

Where they are

They are stored in the utils folder of our jenkins server. The jobs themselves are called pipeline_jobs_generator_jdk11u, evaluation-pipeline_jobs_generator_jdk11u, etc. NOTE: When the JDK HEAD updates, these jobs will need to be updated too (see for how to do so.

How they work

There are three stages for each job regenerator.

  • Execute the top level job:
    • The jobs themselves are executed by GitHub Push on this repository. Each time there is a commit, all the pipeline regenerators(except the ones for release) are kicked off. This is so any potential changes to the buildConfigurations and targetConfigurations are taken into account when creating a job dsl for each downstream job.
    • Each of the jobs executes its corresponding regeneration file, passing down its version, targeted OS/ARCH/VARIANT and specific build configurations to the main config_regeneration file.
  • Check if the corresponding pipeline is in progress:
    • Since we want to potentially avoid overwriting the job dsl's of any pipelines in progress, we use the jenkins API to verify that there are no pipelines of that version queued or running. If there are, the job regenerator sleeps for 15mins and checks again afterwards. If not, it moves onto the next step.
  • Regenerate the downstream jobs, one at a time:
    • The regenerator then iterates through the keys in the targetConfigurations (e.g. jdk11u.groovy), which are the same keys used in the buildConfiguration file. After parsing each variant in them and going through various error handling stages, the job name and folder path is constructed which is the bare minimum that the job dsl needs to be created. We only need the bare minimum as the pipelines will overwrite most the configs when they run.
    • The job dsl for that downstream job is constructed and that job is then, successfully regenerated. The result is somewhat similar to this:
[INFO] Querying Adoptium API to get the JDK-Head number
[Pipeline] library
Loading library openjdk-jenkins-helper@${helperRef}
Examining AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-jenkins-helper
Attempting to resolve master as a branch
Resolved master as branch master at revision 3e6da943be88a2bcdff335cdb93d4baf1a7555a7
using credential 8dfb669c-96d7-4960-aa2d-6059651eea96
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Fetching without tags
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials GitHub BOT PWD
 > git fetch --no-tags --force --progress -- +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
Checking out Revision 3e6da943be88a2bcdff335cdb93d4baf1a7555a7 (master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f 3e6da943be88a2bcdff335cdb93d4baf1a7555a7 # timeout=10
Commit message: "Merge pull request #32 from M-Davies/api_user_agent"
 > git rev-list --no-walk 3e6da943be88a2bcdff335cdb93d4baf1a7555a7 # timeout=10
[Pipeline] echo
[INFO] This IS JDK-HEAD. javaToBuild is jdk.
[Pipeline] echo
[INFO] Regenerating: x64Mac
[Pipeline] echo
[INFO] Regenerating variant x64Mac: hotspot...
[Pipeline] echo
[INFO] FOUND MATCH! buildConfiguration key: x64Mac and config file key: x64Mac
[Pipeline] echo
[INFO] build name: build-scripts/jobs/jdk/jdk-mac-x64-hotspot
[Pipeline] step
Processing DSL script pipelines/build/common/create_job_from_template.groovy
Existing items:
Unreferenced items:
[Pipeline] echo
[SUCCESS] Regenerated configuration for job build-scripts/jobs/jdk/jdk-mac-x64-hotspot

Build Pipeline Generator

This standard generator generates the top level pipeline jobs. It works by iterating through the config files, defining a job dsl configuration for each version that has a version config file. It then calls pipeline_job_template.groovy to finalise the dsl. By default, the job that runs this file has restricted read access so you will likely need to contact a jenkins admin to see the results of the job.

There are another two generators:

  1. release generator is only used to regenerate release pipelines.
  2. evaluation generator is used to regenerator evaluation pipeline and weekly-evaluation pipeline

They work in the similar was as the standard one but use different config files

Downstream Test Jobs

Existing downstream test jobs are generated separately from the build ones, via the Test_Job_Auto_Gen, testJobTemplate resources in the aqa-tests repository. If a new JDK version | JVM vendor | Platform is beginning to be built | supported, a bunch of new test jobs get created on that first attempt to run testing dynamically by using same testJobTemplate.