Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
This is a personal website that I created for my Harvard CS50 course.
index.html: Uses bootstrap's Navbar component and contains image.
index.sass: sass stylesheet that created index.css. Uses SCSS inheritance and variables. Contains mobile responsive @media query.
index.css: stylesheet for index.html
aboutMe.html: Uses bootstrap's Navbar component and contains image. Uses columns from bootstrap's grid model for layout purposes.
aboutMe.sass: sass stylesheet that created aboutMe.css. Uses SCSS variables.
aboutMe.css: stylesheet for aboutMe.html
contact.html: Uses bootstrap's Navbar component and contains image. Also contains table.
contact.sass: sass stylesheet that created contact.css. Uses SCSS variables and nesting.
aboutMe.css: stylesheet for contact.html
favQuotes.html: Uses bootstrap's Navbar component and contains image. Also contains list.
favQuotest.sass: sass stylesheet that created favQuotes.css. Uses SCSS variables.
favQuotes.css: stylesheet for favQuotes.html