Rewinding time of the world around you, but it doesn't affect your character.
Should make for an interesting puzzle game. Or that mechanic could be used to make a cat petting simulator, where you basically have a cheatcode. You can indefinitely pet the cat, because as soon as the cat is satisfied and walks away, you just turn time back... 🐈
- WASD+Mouse for moving
- Space to jump
- T for swiTching to freecam
- WASD + Space to move around in the freecam mode
- Right mouse button for time rewinding
- Left mouse button for interacting
- Shift to speed up rewinding. Not actually needed to solve any levels.
- F8 enables/disables view frustum culling
- Esc to quit
First level
- Walk through laser
- Door closes
- Rewind time
- Walk through door
and then beat the rest of the game.
There is a video full of spoilers here
You'll need a Rust toolchain installed. After that, you can start the game with
cargo run
To get a release build without manually copying files, you can use
npm build
(I really want Rust build scripts that don't run during development.)
cargo run --bin bloom_demo
where bloom_demo can be replaced with the name of any demo project in the demos/src/bin
A level internally has
- a numerical ID
- a camera: spawn position
- one shadow light
- ...
world space: +y up, -z forward, +x right (reasonable right-handed coordinate system) winding order: counter-clockwise units: meter importer: gltf, we flatten the tree, we generate one axis aligned collider per model
- Vulkano: and and co
- Bloom: and
- PBR and
- Projection matrices
- Player controller
- Grid shader and
- Game over pseudo-pixel-art
- Cat picture on the cubes