- Tested with Vagrant 1.8.1
- VirtualBox installed
- Enough RAM if running all VMs
Go to the HashicorpVault folder and start the VMs
cd HashicorpVault vagrant up
Execute to log into the VM
vagrant ssh hashicorp-vault
# This runs Vault in the background. Output is sent to nohup.out nohup ./vault server -config=sync/HashicorpVault/config.hcl & # Press <enter> to see the Exit 1 status code # Using the address defined in the above configuration file export VAULT_ADDR= # Initializes unseal tokens and root access token ./vault init # If you want to avoid having to type "./" before executing Vault, you can add this folder to your PATH by executing: export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`
Write down the generated tokens, which will be needed to seal/unseal the vault in the future
Execute this command three times, entering one of the provided tokens:
./vault unseal
Authenticate using root token provided at start:
./vault auth [root token]
Enable auditing log
./vault audit-enable file path=./vault_audit.log
Check existing secret 'folders':
./vault mounts
./vault policy-write production sync/HashicorpVault/policies/production.hcl
./vault policy-write qa sync/HashicorpVault/policies/qa.hcl
./vault policy-write development sync/HashicorpVault/policies/development.hcl
./vault write secret/production/password value=MyProdPassword
./vault write secret/production/qa value=MyQAPassword
./vault write secret/production/development value=MyDevelopmentPassword
Create token, and wrap results using Cubbyhole
./vault token-create -policy=production -wrap-ttl=20m
Optional arguments
- explicit_max_ttl - Sets the time after which this token can never be renewed.
- num_uses - Number of times this token can be used. Default is unlimited.
- renewable - If token is renewable or not. Default is true.
- ttl - Time token is valid. Default is 720hs.
This returns a cubbyhole token with time to live. This is a single use token.
Send token to Node
Node issues
curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token: [cubbyhole token]" \ -X GET \
This will return a json containing the access token and lease renewal token. If returns permission denied, token either expired or compromised. Notify Vault to revoke that token and create a new one.
Now whenever Node wants to talk to Vault, it should use its token on the X-Vault-Token header
This token has ttl and will expire in 720hs. In order to keep alive, Node must issue
curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token: [token]" \ -X POST \
Not that this is not the cubbyhole token, it is the token that was wrapped in that token. Lease renewal is only possible if token still valid. If expired or revoked, notify Higher Level Authority (Jenkins) and go back to step 1.
Error: Error initializing Vault: Put http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
Solution: You are trying to use Vault in the host without setting the environment variable. Run:
export VAULT_ADDR=