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board-of-symbols (BoSym)

Board of Symbols (BoSym, up to 2021 BoS) is an application for teaching (learning) programming. Using a set of given functions small code snippets produce patterns on a NxM board. For example the following JS-Code

for( x=1; x<6;  x++ ) {
  for( y=x; y<6; y++ ) {
    farbe2( x, y, BLUE )  // EN: color2(x,y,BLUE)
    if( x == y ) {
      form2( x, y, "tlu" )
    } else {
      form2( x, y, "s" )


BoS Screen

The example uses the German version. You can change the language in the menu Optionen. This also changes the function names.

How to start - Java:

  • download the file jserver.jar (older or newer version named jserver_xxx.jar have to be renamed to jserver.jar after download)
  • if necessary - install java SDK
  • run jserver.jar ( double click or via commandline: java -jar jserver.jar )
  • then open a code window (menu "Fenster für Code-Eingabe" or ALT-c) to enter some Java code
  • if javac is not found: add the sdk to the PATH or set the directory name (bin) in the properties menu in CodeWindow

A short video with the first steps:

Important hints

BoSym requires a Java runtime (JRE) and a compiler (SDK).

  • if necessary, install a SDK
  • BoSym needs to find the command javac. If the bin-directory is not in the Path, add it in the properties menue
  • different versions of SDK and JRE can cause problems. Make sure that they have the same version.
  • starting BoSym with double click on jserver.jar sometime runs into problems. Try starting it from the command shell.

How to start - C

See here