Prismatic line decorations for the adventurous vim user
Highlight UI elements based on current mode. Inspired by the recent addition of vim bindings in Xcode.
-- Lazy package manager
dependencies = {"nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"},
config = function()
vim.opt.cursorline = true
must be set to true for lines to be highlighted
Default colors can be overridden by passing values to the setup function or updating highlight groups.
colors = {
black_text = "#1e1e1e",
white_text = "#d4d4d4",
normal = "#608b4e",
insert = "#569cd6",
change = "#41729F",
visual = "#c586c0",
replace = "#d16969",
command = "#deb974",
pending = "#4ec9b0",
copy = "#f5c359",
delete = "#c75c6a"
undo = "#9745be",
redo = "#9745be",
-- For highlight groups you wish to change the colors based on modes
highlight_groups = {
Cursorline = {
bg = {
enabled = true,
opacity = {
normal = 0.08,
insert = 0.08,
change = 0.1,
visual = 0.1,
replace = 0.1,
command = 0.1,
pending = 0.1,
copy = 0.1,
delete = 0.1,
undo = 0.1,
redo = 0.1,
CursorLineNr = { fg = { enabled = true }, bg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.1 } },
CursorLineSign = { fg = { enabled = true }, bg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.1 } },
CursorLineFold = { bg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.1 } },
FloatBorder = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.4 } },
NvimSeparator = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.2 } }, -- for colorful-winsep.nvim
IndentBlanklineContext = { fg = { enabled = true } }, -- for indent-blankline.nvim
VirtColumn = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.2 } }, -- for virt-column.nvim
MatchArea = { bg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.1 } }, -- for hl_match_area.nvim
IndentBlanklineIndent1 = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.5 } }, -- for indent-blankline.nvim
IndentBlanklineIndent2 = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.5 } }, -- for indent-blankline.nvim
IndentBlanklineIndent3 = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.5 } }, -- for indent-blankline.nvim
IndentBlanklineIndent4 = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.5 } }, -- for indent-blankline.nvim
IndentBlanklineIndent5 = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.5 } }, -- for indent-blankline.nvim
IndentBlanklineIndent6 = { fg = { enabled = true, opacity = 0.5 } }, -- for indent-blankline.nvim
-- Highlight cursor
set_cursor = true,
-- Enable line number highlights to match cursorline
set_number = true,
set_yanked_background = { enabled = true, timeout = 2000 },
-- for lualine.nvim
lualine = {
enabled = true,
statusbar_side_opacity = {
normal = 0.2,
copy = 0.2,
delete = 0.2,
insert = 0.2,
visual = 0.2,
command = 0.2,
replace = 0.2,
pending = 0.2,
undo = 0.2,
redo = 0.2,
change = 0.2,
search = 0.1,
statusbar_middle_opacity = {
normal = 0.08,
copy = 0.12,
delete = 0.15,
insert = 0.15,
visual = 0.12,
command = 0.1,
replace = 0.1,
pending = 0.1,
undo = 0.1,
redo = 0.1,
change = 0.1,
search = 0.1,
diff_component = "x",
diagnostics_component = "x",
filetype_component = "y",
aerial_component = "c",
-- for bufferline.nvim
bufferline = {
enabled = true,
background_color = colors.shade_black,
fill_color =,
opacity = {
normal = 0.08,
copy = 0.08,
delete = 0.1,
insert = 0.06,
visual = 0.1,
command = 0.1,
replace = 0.08,
pending = 0.09,
undo = 0.08,
redo = 0.08,
change = 0.1,
search = 0.1,
-- for gitsigns.nvim
gitsigns = {
enabled = true,
opacity = 0.08,
-- for lsp diagnostic signs
diagnostic_signs = {
enabled = true,
opacity = 0.1,
-- for todo-comments.nvim
todos_comment = {
enabled = true,
comment_types = { "FIX", "HACK", "NOTE", "PERF", "TEST", "TODO", "WARN" },
opacity = 0.1,
-- for noice.nvim
noice = {
enabled = true,
-- for capslock.nvim
capslock = {
enabled = true,
color = "undo", -- color name based on one of the colors definition key above, like "normal", "insert", "visual"...
opacity = 0.1,
-- Highlight in active window only
focus_only = false,
-- Disable modes highlights in specified filetypes
ignore_filetypes = {'NvimTree', 'TelescopePrompt'},
-- Exposed highlight groups, useful for themes
vim.cmd('hi ModesNormal guibg=#608b4e')
vim.cmd('hi ModesInsert guibg=#569cd6')
vim.cmd('hi ModesChange guibg=#9745be')
vim.cmd('hi ModesVisual guibg=#c586d0')
vim.cmd('hi ModesReplace guibg=#d16969')
vim.cmd('hi ModesCommand guibg=#deb974')
vim.cmd('hi ModesPending guibg=#78ccc5')
vim.cmd('hi ModesCopy guibg=#f5c359')
vim.cmd('hi ModesDelete guibg=#c75c6a')
vim.cmd('hi ModesUndo guibg=#9745be')
vim.cmd('hi ModesRedo guibg=#9745be')
- Some Which Key presets conflict with this plugin. For example,
operators will not apply highlights ifoperators = true
because Which Key takes priority
plugins = {
presets = {
operators = false,