Install Hue with Ambari using this management pack created by DFHz. The original Ambari 2.x Hue Service started by Kyle Joe was upgraded for HDP3 and Hue 4.x by DFHz before starting on this Hue Management Pack. You can see more info on the HDP3 repo: HDP3 Hue Service. Also see for more information, versions, and official Hue documentation.
- hue_mpack-4.6.0-0.1.tar.gz - Hue 4.6.0 HDP 3.x (operational)
- hue_mpack-4.6.0-0.0.tar.gz - Hue 4.6.0 HDP 2.x (operational)
- hue_mpack-3.11.0-0.1.tar.gz - Hue 3.11.0 HDP 3.x (operational)
- hue_mpack-3.11.0-0.0.tar.gz - Hue 3.11.0 HDP 2.x (operational)
- Make sure you get the correct /raw/ link if using the github links to download (see sample below).
- Be sure to restart ambari after all Management Pack changes.
- Your nodes need to be able to install all Hue Dependencies. Epel Repository is helpful here.
- Install time will be lengthy due to compile time for "make install" in the hue directory
- Minimal install requires HDFS, Yarn, & Zookeeper
- Example Install & Remove commands are:
ambari-server install-mpack --mpack= --verbose ambari-server restart ambari-server uninstall-mpack --mpack-name=hue-ambari.mpack ambari-server restart
- Additional configuration required post install to configure hue for hive,hbase,hdfs,rdbms, etc.
- Limited testing on multi node cluster
- Not tested SSL or Kerberos
- There could still be conflicts with config params specific to your cluster configuration
- Major Differences between Hue 3 and Hue 4
- No Known Issues
- There is a current bug in User Group Management for HDP 3.x. The work around is the following python command before installing Hue
python /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ -u admin -p admin -n [CLUSTER_NAME] -l [CLUSTER_FQDN] -t 8080 -a set -c cluster-env -k ignore_groupsusers_create -v true
**** be sure to get the correct [CLUSTER_NAME] and [CLUSTER_FQDN] for command above
- Create a Stack Structure
- Revisions & Improvements to HDP 3.x Functionality - HDP3-Hue-Service