Neo4j Spatial is a library facilitating the import, storage and querying of spatial data in the Neo4j open source graph database.
This projects manual is deployed as part of the local build as the Neo4j Spatial Manual.
Some key features include:
- Utilities for importing from ESRI Shapefile as well as Open Street Map files
- Support for all the common geometry types
- An RTree index for fast searches on geometries
- Support for topology operations during the search (contains, within, intersects, covers, disjoint, etc.)
- The possibility to enable spatial operations on any graph of data, regardless of the way the spatial data is stored, as long as an adapter is provided to map from the graph to the geometries.
- Ability to split a single layer or dataset into multiple sub-layers or views with pre-configured filters
- Server Plugin for Neo4j Server 2.x and 3.x
- REST API for creating layers and adding nodes or geometries to layers
- IndexProvider API (2.x only) for Cypher access using
START node=node:geom({query})
- Procedures (3.x only) for much more comprehensive access to spatial from Cypher
The current index is an RTree index, but it has been developed in an extensible way allowing for other indices to be added if necessary. The spatial queries implemented are:
- Contain
- Cover
- Covered By
- Cross
- Disjoint
- Intersect
- Intersect Window
- Overlap
- Touch
- Within
- Within Distance
The simplest way to build Neo4j Spatial is by using maven. Just clone the git repository and run
mvn install
This will download all dependencies, compiled the library, run the tests and install the artifact in your local repository.
The spatial plugin will also be created in the target
directory, and can be copied to your local server using instructions on the spatial server plugin below.
The primary type that defines a collection of geometries is the Layer. A layer contains an index for querying. In addition a Layer can be an EditableLayer if it is possible to add and modify geometries in the layer. The next most important interface is the GeometryEncoder.
The DefaultLayer is the standard layer, making use of the WKBGeometryEncoder for storing all geometry types as byte[] properties of one node per geometry instance.
The OSMLayer is a special layer supporting Open Street Map and storing the OSM model as a single fully connected graph. The set of Geometries provided by this layer includes Points, LineStrings and Polygons, and as such cannot be exported to Shapefile format, since that format only allows a single Geometry per layer. However, OMSLayer extends DynamicLayer, which allow it to provide any number of sub-layers, each with a specific geometry type and in addition based on a OSM tag filter. For example you can have a layer providing all cycle paths as LineStrings, or a layer providing all lakes as Polygons. Underneath these are all still backed by the same fully connected graph, but exposed dynamically as apparently separate geometry layers.
Spatial data is divided in Layers and indexed by a RTree.
GraphDatabaseService database = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(storeDir);
try {
ShapefileImporter importer = new ShapefileImporter(database);
importer.importFile("roads.shp", "layer_roads");
} finally {
If using the server, the same can be achieved with spatial procedures (3.x only):
CALL spatial.addWKTLayer('layer_roads','geometry')
CALL spatial.importShapefileToLayer('layer_roads','roads.shp')
This is more complex because the current OSMImporter class runs in two phases, the first requiring a batch-inserter on the database. There is ongoing work to allow for a non-batch-inserter on the entire process, and possibly when you have read this that will already be available. Refer to the unit tests in classes TestDynamicLayers and TestOSMImport for the latest code for importing OSM data. At the time of writing the following worked:
OSMImporter importer = new OSMImporter("sweden");
Map<String, String> config = new HashMap<String, String>();
config.put("neostore.nodestore.db.mapped_memory", "90M" );
config.put("dump_configuration", "true");
config.put("use_memory_mapped_buffers", "true");
BatchInserter batchInserter = BatchInserters.inserter(new File(dir), config);
importer.importFile(batchInserter, "sweden.osm", false);
GraphDatabaseService db = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(dir);
importer.reIndex(db, 10000);
GraphDatabaseService database = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabase(storeDir);
try {
SpatialDatabaseService spatialService = new SpatialDatabaseService(database);
Layer layer = spatialService.getLayer("layer_roads");
SpatialIndexReader spatialIndex = layer.getIndex();
Search searchQuery = new SearchIntersectWindow(new Envelope(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax));
List<SpatialDatabaseRecord> results = searchQuery.getResults();
} finally {
If using the server, the same can be achieved with spatial procedures (3.x only):
CALL spatial.bbox('layer_roads', {lon:15.0,lat:60.0}, {lon:15.3, lat:61.0})
Or using a polygon:
WITH "POLYGON((15.3 60.2, 15.3 60.4, 15.7 60.4, 15.7 60.2, 15.3 60.2))" as polygon
CALL spatial.intersects('layer_roads',polygon) YIELD node RETURN as name
For further Java examples, refer to the test code in the LayersTest and the TestSpatial classes.
For further Procedures examples, refer to the code in the SpatialProceduresTest class.
IMPORTANT: Examples in this readme were originally tested with GeoServer 2.1.1. However, regular testing of new releases of Neo4j Spatial against GeoServer is not done, and so we welcome feedback on which versions are known to work, and which ones do not, and perhaps some hints as to the errors or problems encountered.
Each release of Neo4j Spatial builds against a specific version of GeoTools and should then be used in the version of GeoServer that corresponds to that. The list of releases below starting at Neo4j 2.0.8 were built with GeoTools 9.0 for GeoServer 2.3.2, but recent releases have been ported to GeoTools 14.4 for GeoServer 2.8.4.
mvn clean install
- unzip the
and the Neo4j libraries from your Neo4j download under$NEO4J_HOME/lib
- restart geoserver
- configure a new workspace
- configure a new datasource neo4j in your workspace. Point the "The directory path of the Neo4j database:" parameter to the relative (form the GeoServer working dir) or aboslute path to a Neo4j Spatial database with layers (see Neo4j Spatial)
- in Layers, do "Add new resource" and choose your Neo4j datastore to see the exisitng Neo4j Spatial layers and add them.
- check out the geoserver source
svn co geoserver-trunk
- build the source
cd geoserver-trunk
mvn clean install
- check that you can run the web app as of The GeoServer Maven build guide
cd src/web/app
mvn jetty:run
- in
$GEOSERVER_SOURCE/src/web/app/pom.xml, add the following lines under the profiles section:
The version specified on the version line can be changed to match the version you wish to work with (based on the version of Neo4j itself you are using). Too see which versions are available see the list at Neo4j Spatial Releases.
- start the GeoServer webapp again with the added neo4j profile
cd $GEOSERVER_SRC/src/web/app
mvn jetty:run -Pneo4j
- find Neo4j installed as a datasource under http://localhost:8080
For more info head over to Neo4j Wiki on uDig (This wiki is currently dead, but there appears to be a working mirror in Japan at
The Neo4j Spatial Plugin is available for inclusion in the server version of Neo4j 2.x and Neo4j 3.x.
- Using GeoTools 9.0 (for GeoServer 2.3.2):
- Using GeoTools 14.4 (for GeoServer 2.8.4):
For versions up to 0.15-neo4j-2.3.4:
#install the plugin
unzip -d $NEO4J_HOME/plugins
#start the server
$NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j start
#list REST API (edit to correct password)
curl -u neo4j:neo4j http://localhost:7474/db/data/
For versions for neo4j 3.0 and later:
#install the plugin
cp neo4j-spatial-XXXX-server-plugin.jar $NEO4J_HOME/plugins/
#start the server
$NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j start
#list REST API (edit to correct password)
curl -u neo4j:neo4j http://localhost:7474/db/data/
#list spatial procedures (edit to correct password)
curl -u neo4j:neo4j -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"query":"CALL spatial.procedures"}' http://localhost:7474/db/data/cypher
The server plugin provides access to the internal spatial capabilities using three APIs:
- A REST API for creating layers and adding nodes or geometries to layers.
- For usage information see Neo4j Spatial Manual REST
- Note that this API provides only limited access to Spatial, with no access the the GeoPipes or import utilities
- An IndexProvider API (2.x only) for Cypher access using START node=node:geom({query})
- It is only possible to add nodes and query for nodes, and the resulting graph structure is not compatible with any other spatial API (not compatible with Java API, REST or Procedures), so if you use this approach, do not blend it with the other approaches.
- There is some brief documentation at Finding geometries within distance using cypher
- This API was removed for 3.0 releases, and so is only available for Neo4j 2.x
- Procedures for much more comprehensive access to spatial from Cypher
- Documentation is not yet available, but you can list the available procedures within Neo4j using the query
CALL spatial.procedures
- This API uses the Procedures capabilities released in Neo4j 3.0, and is therefor not available for Neo4j 2.x
- Documentation is not yet available, but you can list the available procedures within Neo4j using the query
At the time of writing the procedures were still being developed and changing. However, they are already more extensive than the REST API, making them by far the best option for accessing Neo4j remotely or through Cypher. The IndexProvider approach has already been removed, and it is anticipated the REST API might follow suite.
The Java API (the original API for Neo4j Spatial), will, however, remain the most feature rich for some time, and therefor we recommend that if you need to access Neo4j server remotely, and want deeper access to Spatial functions, consider writing your own Procedures. The Neo4j 3.0 documentation provides some good information on how to do this, and you can also refer to the Neo4j Spatial procedures source code for examples.
git clone
cd spatial
mvn clean package
Add your Github credentials in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
<username>[email protected]</username>
To build and deploy:
git clone
cd spatial
mvn clean install site -Pneo-docs-build
Add the following repositories and dependency to your project's pom.xml:
The version specified on the last version line can be changed to match the version you wish to work with (based on the version of Neo4j itself you are using). Too see which versions are available see the list at Neo4j Spatial Releases.
Some of the classes in Neoj4-Spatial include main() methods and can be run on the command-line. For example there are command-line options for importing SHP and OSM data. See the main methods in the OSMImporter and ShapefileImporter classes. Here we will describe how to setup the dependencies for running the command-line, using the OSMImporter and the sample OSM file two-street.osm. We will show two ways to run this on the command line, one with the java command itself, and the other using the 'exec:java' target in maven. In both cases we use maven to setup the dependencies.
git clone git://
cd spatial
mvn clean compile
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
java -cp target/classes:target/dependency/* org.neo4j.gis.spatial.osm.OSMImporter osm-db two-street.osm
Note: On windows remember to separate the classpath with ';' instead of ':'.
The first command above only needs to be run once, to get a copy of all required JAR files into the directory target/dependency. Once this is done, all further java commands with the -cp specifying that directory will load all dependencies. It is likely that the specific command being run does not require all dependencies copied, since it will only be using parts of the Neo4j-Spatial library, but working out exactly which dependencies are required can take a little time, so the above approach is most certainly the easiest way to do this.
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.neo4j.gis.spatial.osm.OSMImporter -Dexec.args="osm-db two-street.osm"
Note that the OSMImporter cannot re-import the same data multiple times, so you need to delete the database between runs if you are planning to do that.