yarn run ios
or yarn run android
These have to be tested on a real device. For iOS, this means running the app via XCode and choosing a USB-connected device as the destination.
The project is built using GitHub actions.
Bump app version in android/app/build.gradle
. Look for android.defaultConfig.versionCode
and android.defaultConfig.versionName
. Open a PR on GitHub. The build action will automatically run. Wait for GitHub action to complete, then download the result artifact. After you merge the PR, another build will be made.
You probably don't need to do this.
cd android
# creates a release aab for play store
./gradlew bundleRelease
# creates a release apk
./gradlew assembleRelease
Bump app version in Info.plist
. Look for CFBundleShortVersionString
and CFBundleVersion
. Open a PR on GitHub. The build action will automatically run. Wait for GitHub action to complete, then download the result artifact. After you merge the PR, another build will be made.
Use the Transporter App to upload the IPA file to Apple. Wait a while. You should receive an email from Apple when it has been processed. It will show up as being available in App Store Connection under Test Flight. Submit it for review and wait.
OTA updates uses Expo and it's easy. Run this:
expo publish