This is a skeleton for anyone looking to get up and running Angular2 and TypeScript to build a SPA with AngularJS 2 and RESTful API with Node.js, ORM with Sequelize.
Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment / Delivery (CI/CD)
Here are its features:
- The best practice in directory/file organization for Angular and Node projects.
- Ready to go build system using Webpack 2 for working with TypeScript.
- Testing code Angular 2 with Jasmine and Karma.
- Testing code Node with Mocha and Chai.
- Coverage with Istanbul and Karma.
- End-to-end Angular with Protractor.
- Predefined ORM configuration using Sequelize with Sails and MySQL adapter by default.
- Contains a set of common functions to develop Angular 2 and Node.js applications. Such as cross cutting module for caching, exception handling, logging, mailing, utilities.
- Predefined the docker file and docker compose to build, run, ship, and deploy your applications anywhere (VM, Docker Cloud, Azure, AWS, etc.).
Make sure you have Node version >= 6.9.1 and NPM >=3 installed. Then run the folowing commands to install all needed dependencies
# Install all dependencies to run the app
sudo cd scripts && chmod +x && ./
# E2e testing
sudo cd scripts && chmod +x && ./
Environment.env configuration
To run the server, you have to define an environment.env file and drop in src/server/bin directory. This configuration should only container sensitive information such as database connection string, secret key. The application support encript the content of this file if you drop a secret.dat in th src/server directory.
Below is the sample configuration file (each key should be in a new line base on running OS)
OAUTH2_SECRET=your key
MYSQL_USERNAME=your username
MYSQL_PASSWORD=your password
Environment settings
You can change the configuration for a specific environent by changing the environment_name.js file in src/server/src/config/env directory.
You can change the webpack, testing, and end to end configurations in the src/client/config directory
# Start Angular Webpack dev server and Node API - Windows
npm start
# For Linux OS, please run both commands separately
# Start API with node-dev
npm run api:dev
# Start Webpack Dev Server
npm run ui
# Start with PM2
npm install pm2 -g
cd src/server
pm2 start pm2-process.yml
# By default, we run 2 PM processes, if you want to scale, run below command
pm2 scale commission-royalty-app <number>
go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access Angular app. You also can access Node API at http://localhost:1337
Analyze code using TSLint and ESLint rules
# Analyze Angular and Node code
npm run analyze
# Analyze Angular code
npm run analyze:tslint
# Analyze Node code
npm run analyze:eslint
# Test Angular code
npm test
# Test Node API
npm run test:api
Run e2e testing with Protractor
# Start Selenium server
webdriver-manager start
# Run with Chrome browser
npm run e2e:chrome
# Run with Firefox browser
npm run e2e:firefox
# Run with IE browser
npm run e2e
# Run with PhantomJS browser. Recommand using for CI/CD process
npm run e2e:phantomjs
# Build Angular code and prepare release pacakge
npm run release
# Build docker images including web and api
npm run build:docker
# Change work dir to the dist directory where the docker-compose.yml located and run below command
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
go to http://localhost to access Angular app and http://localhost/api to access Node API
We use the TSLint and ESLint to analyze the code by using the following styles
- Angular 2 Style
- ESLint for JavaScript
- TSLint for TypeScript
- Microsoft Style
- Support Conditional Request for API
- Support NoSQL i.e. MongoDB
- Support more cacher options such as Memcached / Redis
- AWS CloudFormation script to setup infrastructure automatically
- Apply NgRedux
- An alternative option to host with NGINX