I18n for koa, based on [i18n-2]. NOTE: If want to use koa-i18n-2, [koa-locale] must be required!
koa-i18n-2 will attempt to find the best match from the supported locales, whereas koa-i18n will only find exact matches.
For example, if a user requests es-MX
and you support ['en-US', 'es-ES']
, koa-i18n will use en-US
, while koa-i18n-2 will use es-ES
$ npm install koa-i18n-2
var app = require('koa')();
var locale = require('koa-locale'); // detect the locale
var render = require('koa-swig'); // swig render
var i18n = require('koa-i18n-2');
// Required!
app.context.render = render({
root: __dirname + '/views/',
ext: 'html'
app.use(i18n(app, {
directory: './config/locales',
locales: ['zh-CN', 'en'], // `zh-CN` defaultLocale, must match the locales to the filenames
modes: [
'query', // optional detect querystring - `/?locale=en-US`
'subdomain', // optional detect subdomain - `zh-CN.koajs.com`
'cookie', // optional detect cookie - `Cookie: locale=zh-TW`
'header', // optional detect header - `Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.5`
'url', // optional detect url - `/en`
'tld', // optional detect tld(the last domain) - `koajs.cn`
function() {} // optional custom function (will be bound to the koa context)
app.use(function *(next) {
this.body = this.i18n.__('any key');
app.use(function *(next) {
yield this.render('index')
Tip: We can change position of the elements in the
array. If one mode finds a match, the modes after it will be ignored.