Forum and comments application
- Django Rest Framework API
- React application as frontend included (only in github version for now)
- MathJax support
- Embed Thread component and ThreadListComponent (reactjs + react-bootstrap) (npm install
- Comments are ranked using wilson scoring interval and displayed in a tree structure (using django-mptt)
- Voting functionality for threads & comments
- Compatible with mobile screen sizes
- Users management page for admins (not implemented yet)
- Admins can lock/unlock, edit, delete threads and posts, edit & delete topics (not implemented yet)
The app is currently tested with Django 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11, 2.0
Install react-comments-django:
pip install react-comments-django
Add it and it's dependencies to your INSTALLED_APPS:
react_comments_django_settings to context_processors:
'context_processors': [
react_comments_django's URL patterns:
from react_comments_django.sitemaps import ThreadSitemap
from react_comments_django.urls_api import urlpatterns as react_comments_django_urls_api
sitemaps = {
'react_comments_django': ThreadSitemap
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^api/v1/', include(react_comments_django_urls_api)),
url(r'^sitemap\.xml$', sitemap, {'sitemaps': sitemaps}, name='django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap'),
Migrate models:
python migrate react_comments_django
Create a topic:
You can use New Topic dialog in topics page if you're logged in as a superuser or you can create one in a python console:
from react_comments_django.models import Topic
Topic.objects.create(title='Test Topic')