gostatsd is a Statsd client package for Go. It supports all commands supported by the etsy/statsd project and automatically buffers stats into 512 byte UDP packets. You can customize the packet size, as well.
gostatsd is goroutine safe.
gostatsd, by default, buffers up to 512 bytes of data before sending a UDP
packet. This means that you need to manually call Flush()
after you're done
recording your stats to send any remaining stats.
Basic usage is easy: just give gostatsd a URL and a packet size, and start sending metrics:
statsd.Setup("statsd://", 512)
defer statsd.Flush()
// Counters
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
if math.Mod(i, 100) == 0 {
statsd.Count("transactions", 1, 0.100)
// Gauges
statsd.Gauge("queuesize", 28)
// Timers
start := time.Now()
statsd.Timing("methodtime", float64(time.Since(start))/float64(time.Milliseconds))
// or
statsd.TimingDuration("methodtime", time.Since(start))
If you need to send metrics to different places or want to use different metric prefixes, you can create a standalone Client:
client := statsd.New("statsd://")
defer client.Flush()
// Counters
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
if math.Mod(i, 100) == 0 {
client.Count("transactions", 1, 0.100)
// Gauges
client.Gauge("queuesize", 28)
// Timers
start := time.Now()
client.TimingDuration("methodtime", time.Since(start))
The buffer size (in bytes) can be customized:
client := NewWithPacketSize("statsd://", 128)
A buffer size of 0 or less will cause all stats to be sent individually as soon
as they are received. If you're using unbuffered sending, you wont need to call
statsd.Setup("", -1)
// or
client := statsd.NewWithPacketSize("", "my.prefix.", -1)
December 17th, 2013, Go 1.2 darwin/amd64
% go test -bench . --benchmem
BenchmarkGaugeNoPrefix 1113 ns/op 80 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkGaugeWithPrefix 1326 ns/op 80 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkGaugeNoBuffer 6984 ns/op 80 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkGaugeWithPrefixNoBuffer 6910 ns/op 80 B/op 4 allocs/op