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=== Subiz Live Chat ===
Contributors: mrsubiz
Donate link: 
Tags: widget, plugin, sidebar, enhancement, livechat, chat, widget
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.5.1
Stable tag: 1.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Subiz Live Chat is the enterprise-grade live chat software for website. With Subiz Live Chat, they are just a click away!

== Description ==

[Subiz Live Chat]( is the enterprise-grade live chat software for website. With Subiz Live Chat, they are just a click away!

Its free WordPress chat plugin is specifically designed for you to quickly install Subiz live chat software onto your WordPress site. With the best WordPress Live Chat Plugin, you can have live chat widget on your WordPress site pages with just a few simple steps. The live chat for WordPress will boost both your sales and customer satisfaction.

Plugin Features:

Users can use the live chat with or without registration
Easy to install live chat widget , no configuration is required 

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== Installation ==

Server Requirements:* PHP4 or PHP5.
*Wordpress versions:* Wordpress 2.8 and up.

Step-by-step Guide:

* Install plugin from WordPress directory and activate it.
* Under Settings section, click on Subiz Live Chat to link up your Subiz account
* Enter your Subiz email account.
* Connect your chat client via Chat Program ([Pidgin, Adium, Trillian]( .
* Done! Celebrate! Visit your website, you should see your Subiz chat box in the bottom of your site.

== Frequently asked questions ==

= Do I have to install any software on my server to get this working? =

Not at all! Subiz is a hosted livechat service. Simply configure the plugin and you're done!

= Which web browsers work best with this plugin =

Though designed to work on most browsers, Subiz works best in the following environment: IE 6 or later (PC), Firefox 2 or later (Mac, PC, or Linux), Safari 2 or later (Mac), Google Chrome (PC, Mac).
= Is it free to use? =

The plugin comes with a free plan specially tailored for Wordpress users. Power users can purchase upgrade options anytime.

== Screenshots ==

1. Chat window on your blog - minimized
2. Chat widget on your blog - active chat
3. Link up your Subiz account

== Changelog ==

== Upgrade notice ==

== Arbitrary section 1 ==


Subiz Live chat software for website






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