Produce jar
./gradlew jar
Add jar as your library
execute as jar
- Set up
try {
StaidOpenSTF staidOpenSTF = new StaidOpenSTF("stfUrl", "stfToken");
stfDevice = new Device(staidOpenSTF);
stfRemoteDeviceUrl = stfDevice.getRemoteDeviceUrl();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError("Can not connect device to open stf. Details : " + e.getMessage());
//adding to your capabilities
desiredCapabilities.setCapability("udid", stfRemoteDeviceUrl);
- Tear Down
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
//error handling
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//error handling
- create config file (e.g. config.properties)
- list command
- connect to specific serial device
{path of config.prop} connect {serial}
- connect to specific serial and add to json. This feature will be usefull to run distributed test / parallel test. "udid" : "{deviceRemoteUrl}" will be added in json
{path of config.prop} connect {serial} {cap def file name.json}
- disconnect from specific serial or specific deviceRemoteUrl
{path of config.prop} disconnect serial={serial}/remoteDeviceUrl={deviceConnectedUrl}
- disconnect from json file. It will search for udid
{path of config.prop} disconnect def-cap1.json def-cap2.json ...