- Developed by Google
- Sits between low-level & high-level
- Produces code that runs fast and uses little memory
- Has garbage collection
- Some object oriented features
- To make a
file into an executable we need to compile it via thego build
command- E.g.
go build greet.go
- After this by doing an
in the directory we can now see that we have an executable calledgreet
- E.g.
greet greet.go
- This can be executed via
- We can directly run a file instead of the two step process shown above of compilation and then running
- The
go run
command compiles the code and then runs it - But an executable won't be created in our directory
- E.g.
go run greet.go
- The
- Useful for quick testing of code
- Projects can have multiple
files organised into packages- Essentially like a directory
- E.g. calculator program would have calculation
files incalc
package- I/O related go files in
- I/O related go files in
- Simple example
- 1st line below
package main
tells compiler which package file belongs to- It is package declaration
- Specifying
package main
ensures program compiles into executable
- 2nd line of code imports function from another package via
command- Notice that package name is in quotes
- 1st line below
package main
import "fmt"
func main () {
fmt.Println("Hello World")
- To define a function in Go use the
keyword- Followed by name of function E.g. main
- After this we need a set of parentheses i.e.
- Any code inside the function needs to be within set of curly braces i.e. {}
- Also needs to be indented
- E.g.
func main () {
fmt.Println("Hello World")
- Having a main function inside
is special to Go- Created executable when compiled
- Also starts executing code in here as starting point
- Same as python
- Defining a function doesn't call it
- Same as python
- There are two main ways to import multiple palcage
- USe multiple import statements
- Or use single statement with parentheses
- E.g.
import (
- We can also give a package an alias
- Then refer to this instead inside code
- As we do in python using
keyword - E.g.
import (
p1 "package1"
- There are two different types of comment in Go
- Single-line using
- E.g.
- Single-line using
// This entire line is ignored by the compiler
// fmt.Println("Does NOT print")
fmt.Println("This gets printed!") // This part gets ignored
- Block comments a.k.a multi-line using
/* */
- E.g.
This is ignored.
This is also ignored.
fmt.Println("This WON'T print!")
- Golang includes go doc tool for viewing documentation about packages and their functions
- E.g.
$ go doc fmt.Println
package fmt // import "fmt"
func Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to
standard output. Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is
appended. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error
- Literals a.k.a values can be anything from number or text
- Essentially unnamed things
- i.e. not assigned to variables
- Essentially unnamed things
- We can do normal arithmetic on integer literals
- Or add strings together
- But we can't multiply string and int like we can in python
- i.e. print string x no. of times
- One type of named values
- Can't be updated while program running
- Helps conveys intent of keeping consistent value
- We use
keyword to create constant - E.g.
const funFact = "Hummingbirds' wings can beat up to 200 times a second."
fmt.Println("Did you know?")
- We must use camelCase or PascalCase for constants
- Programming languages like Go store data as binary numbers in memory
- Go has 3 basic data types for numbers
- Integers -
- Can be positive or negative
- E.g.
- Floating-point -
- Numbers with a decimal point
- Can also be positive or negative
- E.g.
- Complex Numbers -
- Can also be +ve or -ve
- Used in 2D coordinates or calculation include sq roots
- E.g.
and-14 - -.05i
- Integers -
- There are 15 ways to describe a number in Go
- 2 types for floating-point
- 11 types for integer
- 2 types for complex
- The different types dictate how much memory number takes to store
- As well as how many binary digits it uses to store it
- Less bits means fewer possible values i.e. min/max values
- Better to use types with smaller range if possible
- As well as how many binary digits it uses to store it
- Integers can be signed or unsigned
- Unsigned can only be positive
- Minimum value is 0
- Signed can be either -ve or +ve
- Max value lower than unsigned for same no. of bits vs unsigned
- Unsigned can only be positive
- Boolean type only uses 1 bit
- Numeric Data Types Table
- Floats and complex no. don't have max. or min. numbers
- Floats can be
- Difference is how much data used to ensure value's precision
- Variables in Go are defined using var keyword
- They also need their type defined
- E.g.
var neighbourUp bool
- Should also be in camelCase
- Other examples
var lengthOfSong uint16
- Unsigned 16-bit integervar songRating float32
- 32-bit float
- When Go compiler raises error code cannot be turned into binary
- Thus code can't be run
- An example of an error is when we define variable but don't use it
- E.g.
./main.go:4:7: numberWheels declared and not used
- Unused variables are waste of space
- E.g.
- After defining a variable we can assign it a value
- E.g.
var ipAddress string
ipAddress = ""
- We could also define and assign a value in one line
- E.g.
var kilometersToMars int32 = 62100000
- E.g.
- Strings can't have single quotes
- USed for specific character called rune
- Variables of different types have default values
- i.e. String defaults to "", int to 0 and boolean to false
- E.g.
var classTime uint32
var averageGrade float32
var teacherName string
var isPassFail bool
fmt.Println(classTime) // Prints 0
fmt.Println(averageGrade) // Prints 0
fmt.Println(teacherName) // Doesn't print anything
fmt.Println(isPassFail) // Prints false
- In Go we don't have to specify variable type if we use
operator- Called short decleration operator
- We can use this if we know what variable should hold when creating it
- E.g.
nuclearMeltdownOccurring := true
radiumInGroundWater := 4.521 //Type float64
daysSinceLastWorkplaceCatastrophe := 0 //Type int32/int64
externalMessage := "Everything is normal. Keep calm and carry on."
- Notice we don't need to use
keyword - The long way to do the above is:
var nuclearMeltdownOccurring = true
var radiumInGroundWater = 4.521
var daysSinceLastWorkplaceCatastrophe = 0
var externalMessage = "Everything is normal. Keep calm and carry on."
- We can assign an integer
type - If computer architecture is 32-bit it will use int32/uint32
- If 64-bit then int64/uint64
- Usually recommended to use either
- Instead of specifying no. of bits
- E.g.
var timesWeWereFooled int
var foolishGamesPlayed uint
- When we use value inferring with integers it defaults to
- E.g.
consolationPrizes := 2
- E.g.
- As with Python we can update variables in Go
- In below e.g.
var defaults to 0- Wouldn't be the case in Python
- In below e.g.
var basketTotal float64
carrotPrice := 0.75
basketTotal = basketTotal + carrotPrice
fmt.Println(basketTotal) // Prints: 0.75
- Same as Python we can also use
above instead- Also works on strings
- Others operators are:
- We can declare multiple variables in single line
- E.g.
var part1, part2 string
part1 = "To be..."
part2 = "Not to be..."
- Same goes for inferring also
- E.g.
quote, fact := "Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica", true
- E.g.
- fmt is one of Go's core packages
- Also has utilities that help us format data
- Apart from printing things
- Also has utilities that help us format data
- Other supported methods
- The below format but doesn't print anything to the console
- To get user input
- The
method does some formatting for us by default- It adds a space to the arguments inside it and adds line break at the end
- Sometimes we may not want this behaviour
- i.e don't want the extra space or the line break
- E.g.
fmt.Print("The answer is", ": ")
// Prints: The answer is: 12
- The
method allows us to do string interpolation- Like f-strings
- Example
part is called verb- Specific letter after
tells it what exactly to put in placeholder
- Specific letter after
selection1 := "soup"
selection2 := "salad"
fmt.Printf("Do I want %v or %v?", selection1, selection2)
// Prints: Do I want soup or salad?
- Another verb is
which prints out type of 2nd argument- E.g.
specialNum := 42
fmt.Printf("This value's type is %T.", specialNum)
// Prints: This value's type is int.
quote := "To do or not to do"
fmt.Printf("This value's type is %T.", quote)
// Prints: This value's type is string.
- The
verb prints out a number in string format- E.g.
votingAge := 18
fmt.Printf("You must be %d years old to vote.", votingAge)
// Prints: You must be 18 years old to vote.
- The
verb to print out a float in string format- E.g.
gpa := 3.8
fmt.Printf("You're averaging: %f.", gpa)
// Prints: You're averaging 3.800000.
- We can also control number of decimals in float
- E.g.
gpa := 3.8
fmt.Printf("You're averaging: %.2f.", gpa)
// Prints: You're averaging 3.80.
- These methods allow us to format strings without printing them
- E.g.
grade := "100"
compliment := "Great job!"
teacherSays := fmt.Sprint("You scored a ", grade, " on the test! ", compliment)
// Prints: You scored a 100 on the test! Great job!
- As before
adds spacing and a new line- E.g.
quote = fmt.Sprintln("Look ma,", "no spaces!")
fmt.Print(quote) // Prints Look ma, no spaces!
- Method a bit like using python f-string without print statement
- Let's us do interpolation
- Uses same verbs as Printf
correctAns := "A"
answer := fmt.Sprintf("And the correct answer is… %v!", correctAns)
fmt.Print(answer) // Prints: And the correct answer is… A!
- We can use the
method to get input from user- E.g. below would take in single word from user
- If we entered 2 words separated by space only 1st one taken
- E.g. below would take in single word from user
fmt.Println("How are you doing?")
var response string
fmt.Printf("I'm %v.", response)
- Below example takes 2 arguments i.e. 2 words
fmt.Println("How are you doing?")
var response1 string
var response2 string
fmt.Printf("I'm %v %v", response1, response2)
- The
character used references addresses asfmt.Scan()
expects these- Without it the program will not actually ask for any input
- Our condition can be within parenthesis but not mandatory
- Code to be executed if condition is true needs to be within curly braces
- No colon needed like Python
- Booleans in Go are all lowercase. E.g.
- E.g.
alarmRinging := true
if alarmRinging {
fmt.Println("Turn off the alarm!!")
- Else block will also need to have it's code in curly braces
- E.g.
isHungry := false
if isHungry {
fmt.Println("Eat the cookie")
} else {
fmt.Println("Step away from the cookie...")
- Comparison operators work in the exact same way as Python
- Different to Python
- Not is
- And is
- Or is
- Not is
- E.g.
if storeLights == "on" && doorsOpen {
fmt.Println("You can enter the store!")
- Essentially reverses value of a boolean
- E.g.
bored := true
fmt.Println(!bored) // Prints false
tired := false;
fmt.Println(!tired) // Prints true
- We can also add them to if statements
- E.g.
if !readyToGo {
fmt.Println("Start the car!")
- Instead of elif in Python in Go we use
else if
- E.g.
position := 2
if position == 1 {
fmt.Println("You won the gold!")
} else if position == 2 {
fmt.Println("You got the silver medal.")
} else if position == 3 {
fmt.Println("Great job on bronze.")
} else {
fmt.Println("Sorry, better luck next time?")
- Instead of the verbosity of writing multiple else if statements we can use
is followed by variable the conditional is looking atcase
is followed by value it should be equal to and colon- Then code that should be run for condition is indented below
- Can also use comparsion operators
- Finally the
keyword is used at the end like an else - E.g.
- Using else if
clothingChoice := "sweater"
if clothingChoice == "shirt" {
fmt.Println("We have shirts in S and M only.")
} else if clothingChoice == "polos" {
fmt.Println("We have polos in M, L, and XL.")
} else if clothingChoice == "sweater" {
fmt.Println("We have sweaters in S, M, L, and XL.")
} else {
fmt.Println("Sorry, we don't carry that.")
- Same example now using switch
clothingChoice := "sweater"
switch clothingChoice {
case "shirt":
fmt.Println("We have shirts in S and M only.")
case "polos":
fmt.Println("We have polos in M, L, and XL.")
case "sweater":
fmt.Println("We have sweaters in S, M, L, and XL.")
case "jackets":
fmt.Println("We have jackets in all sizes.")
fmt.Println("Sorry, we don't carry that")
// Prints: We have sweaters in S, M, L, and XL.
- We can declare variables within an if or switch statement
- Done using
straight afterif
keyword - But before the comparison
- Separated by
- E.g.
- Done using
x := 8
y := 9
if product := x * y; product > 60 {
fmt.Println(product, " is greater than 60")
- E.g. below shows how to do it within switch statement
switch season := "summer" ; season {
case "summer":
fmt.Println("Go out and enjoy the sun!")
- Variable defined like this are only valid within the block
- i.e. Trying to use these after outside of the block will throw an error
- Go has a
library which can generate random numbers for us- E.g. of usage
- below should print a random number from 0 to 99 but it will always print 81
- E.g. of usage
import (
func main() {
- The reason the above code did not give us random number was due to how Go chooses starting no.
- i.e. starting point for generating random number
- Known as seed number which defaults to 1
- To actually get random number we need to pass in unique seed number
- To get seed no. we use
method - One way to do this is to use the time via
library- As it's always different
- E.g.
- To get seed no. we use
package main
import (
func main() {
// Gives us time difference since 1 Jan 1970 UTC in us thus different seed no.
- Essentially this line will give us random number:
- In Go we use
keyword to define a function- Type hints are mandatory unlike python
- E.g. below shows function with input and output being ints
- Code also needs to be in curly braces
func doubleNum(num int) int {
return num * 2
function doesn't have to be called as compiler already knows to do it- Unlike Python
- A function is called in the exact same way as python
- E.g.
fmt.Println(doubleNum(x)) // Prints: 10
- E.g.
- There are 3 scopes for variables inside Go as with Python
- Global
- Within function
- Within main function
- Works in similar way to Python
- As with python we can call a function with some arguments
- Then these parameters are used within the function
- If multiple parameters have the same type we don't need to specify each time
- E.g.
func multiplier(x, y int32) int32 {
return x * y
- As in Python we can also return multiple values in a function
- We can then unpack them in exactly the same way also
- As well as being able to use special variable
- As well as being able to use special variable
- E.g.
- We can then unpack them in exactly the same way also
package main
import "fmt"
func getLengthOfCentralPark() (int32, string) {
var lengthInBlocks int32
lengthInBlocks = 51
unit := "m"
return lengthInBlocks, unit
func main() {
len, unit := getLengthOfCentralPark()
fmt.Print(len, unit)
- We can use the
keyword to do something at the end of a function call- Usually call another function
- Useful if we have multiple return statements in code
- As any code aftrer a return statement is not run
- Feature can be used logging and writing to file etc.
- Or doing things like disconnecting from DB aftrer we run a query
- Typically added at the top of a function definition
- E.g.
func calculateTaxes(revenue, deductions, credits float64) float64 {
defer fmt.Println("Taxes Calculated!")
taxRate := .06143
fmt.Println("Calculating Taxes")
if deductions == 0 || credits == 0 {
return revenue * taxRate
taxValue := (revenue - (deductions * credits)) * taxRate
if taxValue >= 0 {
return taxValue
} else {
return 0
// Output
Calculating Taxes
Taxes Calculated!
- Go is pass-by-value language
- Functions are passed value of argument
- Not argument itself
- Means changes that happen in function stay within function
- Functions are passed value of argument
- Analogy of a teacher with a worksheet
- She has original copy but hands copies to students
- Student's don't write/change the original
- We can change values from different scopes using below:
- Addresses
- Pointers
- Dereferencing
- When we declare a variable in Go the computer sets aside space in memory to store value
- Called address and is unique numerical value
- When we use variable we get value stored at address
- Use the
operator to print variable' address- Followed by name of variable
- Gives us value in Hex
- Use the
x := "My very first address"
fmt.Println(&x) // Prints 0x414020
- Pointers are variables that store addresses
operator used to signify variable stores address- E.g.
var pointerForInt *int
- We specify address of variable is holding an
- We specify address of variable is holding an
- Full example
var pointerForInt *int
minutes := 525600
pointerForInt = &minutes
fmt.Println(pointerForInt) // Prints 0xc000018038
- Another way we can declare a pointer is via inferring
- E.g.
minutes := 55
pointerForInt := &minutes
- We can use this if we want address to store different value
- i.e. change what's stored there
- A.k.a indirecting
- We still need to use
operator- E.g.
lyrics := "Moments so dear"
pointerForStr := &lyrics
// use dereferencing to point to address in memory and assign new value
*pointerForStr = "Journeys to plan"
fmt.Println(lyrics) // Prints: Journeys to plan
- In Go when we call function with value as input we don't pass actual address of variable
- But just it's value
- We have below e.g. where x does not change
func addHundred(num int) {
num += 100
func main() {
x := 1
fmt.Println(x) // Prints 1
- To make sure x changes we would have to do this
func now takes in pointer as parameter- We then reference it and give it new value in memory address
- In
func we also need to give pointer using address via&
func addHundred (numPtr *int) {
*numPtr += 100
func main() {
x := 1
fmt.Println(x) // Prints 101
- A for loop in Go has 3 components
- 1st part is where we define starting value for loop variable
- 2nd is the condition that needs to be true
- 3rd is what to do after each iteration
- i.e. increment loop variable
- E.g.
for number := 0; number < 5; number++ {
fmt.Print(number, " ")
// Output: 0 1 2 3 4
- For loop in Go is unlike for loop in Python
- Sometimes we don't know how many iterations of loop we need
- Here we use indefinite loops
- Repeat whilst condition is true
- Here we use indefinite loops
- Go uses
statement for these types of loop too- But there are 2 main differences
- Loop variable needs to defined outside of block
- Update to loop variable after each iteration needs to be within block
- Unlike in definite loop
- But there are 2 main differences
- E.g.
- Output of below and above example are the same
number := 0 // Initialize a variable to be used inside the loop
for number < 5 {
number++ // Update the variable being used
- These are usually dangerous but can also be useful
- In case of something like web server that needs to run always
- But we can break out of the loop
- In case of something like web server that needs to run always
- E.g.
for {
// Loop body logic
// This repeats forever
// This is never reached
- As with python we can use these two keywords to break out of a loop
- Or current iteration
- Example of
// Init slice of strings - dynamically sized flexible view into array elements
animals := []string{"Cat", "Dog", "Fish", "Turtle"}
for index := 0; index < len(animals); index++ {
if animals[index] == "Dog" {
fmt.Println("Found the perfect animal!")
break // Stop searching the array
- Example of
jellybeans := []string{"green", "blue", "yellow", "red", "green", "yellow", "red"}
for index := 0; index < len(jellybeans); index++ {
if jellybeans[index] == "green" {
fmt.Println("You ate the", jellybeans[index], "jellybean!")
- We can use the
keyword with maps and arrays- To loop through their elements
- E.g. below shows usage
range letters
gives us 2 things back always- array index and actual element
- So below syntax needed
letters := []string{"A", "B", "C", "D"}
for index, value := range letters {
fmt.Println("Index:", index, "Value:", value)
- Output:
Index: 0 Value: A
Index: 1 Value: B
Index: 2 Value: C
Index: 3 Value: D
- For maps the syntax is the same but range gives
key, value
instead- E.g.
addressBook := map[string]string{
"John": "12 Main St",
"Janet": "56 Pleasant St",
"Jordan": "88 Liberty Ln",
for key, value := range addressBook {
fmt.Println("Name:", key, "Address:", value)
- Output:
Name: John Address: 12 Main St
Name: Janet Address: 56 Pleasant St
Name: Jordan Address: 88 Liberty Ln
- Fixed size collection of data elements of same type
- Unlike python where they can be mixed and variable size
- We can still use indexing to access them
- Before using an array we need to declare and name it
- When a variable is declared in Go compilor finds space in memory for it
- Associates name with variable too
- Issue is that compilor needs to find enough space for several occurances of data type
- Thus we need to provide no. of elements
- Once declared the no. of elements can't be changed
- Workaround is to declare new array
- Array's can be created with inital set of elements
- But not mandatory
- E.g. below defines empty array with 4 elements of type
var playerScores [4]int
// [0 0 0 0]
- To give an array elements at creation we need to use square brackets {}
- E.g.
triangleSides := [3]int{15, 26, 30}
- E.g.
- We could also make the compiler dynamically determine array length
- Using ellipsis syntax i.e.
- E.g.
triangleAngles := [...]int{30, 60, 90}
- Using ellipsis syntax i.e.
- As with Python we can access individual elements via it's index
- But unlike Python we can't use a negative index
- Workaround is to use
length := len()
and uselength-1
index- E.g.
fmt.Println("Last", slice[length-1])
- Or
slice[len(slice)-1] = newName
- E.g.
- Workaround is to use
- But unlike Python we can't use a negative index
students = [3]string{"Jill", "Fred", "Sasha"}
// Access the first element of the array
// Output: Jill
// Access the third element of the array
// Output: Sasha
// Store the second element into a variable
secondStudent := students[1]
// Print it
// Output: Fred
- As with Python we can change array values via index
- E.g.
myArray := [4]int{10, 24, 5, 47}
myArray[2] = 33
- Slices are similar type to arrays but can change size
- There are different ways to create slices
- E.g.
// Each of the following creates an empty slice
var numberSlice []int
stringSlice := []string{}
// The following creates a slice with elements
names := []string{"Kathryn", "Martin", "Sasha", "Steven"}
- We can also create a slice based on existing array
- Updating an element in a slice also updates the original array
- E.g.
array := [5]int{2, 5, 7, 1, 3}
// This is a slice of the whole array
sliceVersion := array[:]
// prints
// [2 5 7 1 3]
// Change slide element
sliceVersion[1] = 6
// prints - original array also changed
// [2 6 7 1 3]
- As with python we can use slicing to get sub-set of array
- E.g.
partialSlice := array[2:5]
// [7 1 3]
- Unlike arrays we don't need to specify no. of elements
- We can access elements normally via indexes
- E.g.
var names = []string{"Kathryn", "Martin", "Sasha", "Steven"}
// Martin
names[3] = "Bishop"
// Bishop
- As with python we can use the
function get the length of array/slice- E.g.
favoriteThings := [2]string{"Raindrops on Roses", "Whiskers on Kittens"}
// 2
- Slices also have concept of capacity as they are re-sizable
- Defines as max no. of elements it can hold before needing to re-size
- We use
function to figure out capacity - E.g. below shows how capacity of slice doubles when we try to append element to it
- Slice is already at full capacity
slice := []string{"Fido", "Fifi", "FruFru"}
// The slice begins at length 3 and capacity 3
fmt.Println(slice, len(slice), cap(slice))
// [Fido Fifi FruFru] 3 3
slice = append(slice, "FroFro")
// After appending an element when the slice is at capacity
// The slice will double in capacity, but increase its length by 1
fmt.Println(slice, len(slice), cap(slice))
// [Fido Fifi FruFru FroFro] 4 6
- Slices can still have elements added if they are at full capacity
- We can use the
function to add elements to slices- Syntax is slice name then element to add
- We need to re-assign slice for it to work
- Slice re-sizes automatically
- E.g.
books := []string{"Tom Sawyer", "Of Mice and Men"}
books = append(books, "Frankenstein")
books = append(books, "Dracula")
- To pass in an array into a function as parameter we give the name, [] with no. of elements and element data type
- For slices we don't need no. of elements just []
- E.g.
func printFirstLastArray(array [4]int) {
fmt.Println("First", array[0])
fmt.Println("Last", array[3])
func printFirstLastSlice(slice []int) {
length := len(slice)
if (length > 0) {
fmt.Println("First", slice[0])
fmt.Println("Last", slice[length-1])
- Modifying an array parameter only does so locally within function
As Go in pass-by-value language
// Changes to the array will only be local to the function
func changeFirst(array [4]int, value int) {
array[0] = value
- Other option is to return the array within function
- If we want to retain changes made use a slice
- E.g.
// Changes to the slice parameter will be permanent
func changeFirst(slice []int, value int) {
if (len(slice) > 0) {
slice[0] = value
- Slices act as pointers
- Essentially a python dictionary
- But we need to specify type of key and value
- Syntax is
[key_type]value_type- E.g.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
// Create a simple contact list.
contacts := map[string]int{
"Joe": 2126778723,
"Angela": 4089978763,
"Shawn": 3143776876,
"Terell": 5026754531,
// Print out all the contacts
// Prints: map[Angela:4089978763 Joe:2126778723 Shawn:3143776876 Terell:5026754531]
- We access value's the same way we do in python
- To create an empty map we can use the
function- Passing in map definition
- E.g.
prices := make(map[string]float32)
- To create a map with values already we don't need to use
contacts := map[string]int{
"Joe": 2126778723,
"Angela": 4089978763,
"Shawn": 3143776876,
"Terell": 5026754531,
- We access values in a map the same way we do with Python dictionaries
- But if the key doesn't exist we're returned default value for type
- We can also get another value which is boolean telling us if key's in the map
- E.g. below unpacks map key where
var tells us if key is in map or notCustomer
gives us actualy value
customer,status := customers["billy"]
if status {
fmt.Println("we found the customer")
} else {
fmt.Println("no such customer!")
- We can add a new key: value pair to a map using same syntax as Python
- Updating an existing key's value is done in the same way also
- To remove a key from a map we need to use the
function- Syntax:
delete(mapName, keyName)
- E.g.
delete(contacts, "Gary")
- E.g.
- Syntax:
- Trying to delete a key that doesn't exist has no effect
- i.e. no error or exception thrown unlike Python
- To format go code use
gofmt -w fileName
- E.g.
gofmt -w test.go
- E.g.
- Somewhat similar to a Python class where we can have different types together
- We define a struct via the
keyword- Syntax:
type StructName Struct
- Once defines we can then use it as a type in our code
- E.g.
- Syntax:
type Point struct {
x int
y int
var firstPoint Point
- To use a struct defined we create instance of it
- E.g.
p1 := Point{x: 10, y: 12}
- E.g.
- We can omit single or multiple fields when creating instances
- Default value will be used for type
p1 := Point{}
// x and y will be set to 0
- Another option is to omit the label names i.e. x and y
- But this way providing values for all fields is mandatory
- E.g.
p1 := Point{10, 12}
// Same as var p1 = Point{10, 12}
- Once we've defining and created struct instance we can access fields
- By using dot notation similar to how we access Python class attributrs
- E.g.
john := Student{"John", "Smith", 14, 9}
- We can change a field's value within a struct
- E.g.
john.age = 15
- E.g.
- We can use functions to do operations on structs
- E.g. struct representing shape has functions to compute area/perimeter
- Example below is struct representing rectangle
type Rectangle struct {
length float32
width float32
- We can then have a function that computes area of rectangle
(rectangle Rectangle)
means func belong toRectangle
is name of function
func (rectangle Rectangle) area() float32 {
return rectangle.length * rectangle.width
rect := Rectangle{1, 2}
- Functions associated with struct are written outside it
- Unlike Python classes and methods
- Defining func in this was we only pass in copy of rectangle
- Function can't change value of field
- If we wanted func to modify struct field's value we need to pass pointer into struct
- Without a pointer only copies of variables are passed into function
- Therefore using one allows us to modify original values
- Example below uses Employee struct
type Employee struct {
firstName string
lastName string
age int
title string
func main() {
steve := Employee{"Steve", "Stevens", 34, "Junior Manager"}
// Point to instance by getting address
pointerToSteve := &steve
- There are two ways we can use pointer to change
field values-
- Simpler way: `pointerToSteve.firstName
- Below e.g. show's us another way we can modify a struct's field within a func
func (rectangle *Rectangle) modify(newLength float32){
rectangle.length = newLength
- In above function
is pointer- Dereferenced without need for
- Dereferenced without need for
- When we have multiple structs with same type we can put them into array
- E.g.
points := []Point{{1, 1}, {7, 27}, {12, 7}, {9, 25}}
- If each point is set to anamed variable we could also do this:
- E.g.
a = {1, 1}
b = {7, 27}
c = {12, 7}
d = {9, 25}
points := []Point{a, b, c, d}
fmt.Println(points[0]) // Output will be {1, 1}
- We can also access the struct's values like this
- E.g.
points := []Point{{1, 1}, {7, 27}, {12, 7}, {9, 25}}
points[1].x = 8
points[1].y = 16
fmt.Println(points[1]) // Output will be {8, 16}
- We can have fields in a struct that reference other structs
- E.g.
type Name struct{
firstName string
lastName string
type Employee struct{
name Name // references Name struct above
age int
title string
// Create instance of employee
carl := Employee{Name{"Carl", "Carlson"}, 32, "Engineer"}
fmt.Println(carl.name.lastName) // Output will be "Carlson"
- We could access the
fields directly fromEmployee
struct- But we'd have to define struct like this with anonymous field
type Employee struct{
age int
title string
- Here we could now do this:
instead of the above - But we couldn't have 2 anonymous fields of the same type
- i.e. of
- i.e. of
- Golang doesn't have package manager like Python's PyPi
- URL usually used e.g.
go mod init github.com/suhaibasaeed/Go/codecademy/code
- Creates a
file- E.g below shows how file first looks
- If we use 3rd party modules it will appear here
file would also be here in this case
- If we use 3rd party modules it will appear here
- E.g below shows how file first looks
- Creates a
- URL usually used e.g.
module github.com/suhaibasaeed/Go/codecademy/code
go 1.21.4
- The
go mod tidy
command installs all imported dependencies- Creating
for us
- Creating
- Another way to install dependencies is via
go get
command- E.g.
go get github.com/howeyc/gopass
- E.g.
- The
go run .
command compiles everythign in current dir - Best practice to put compiled binaries from
go build
command in bin directory- Then put this into .gitignore
- E.g. command
go build -o ./bin/myapp main.go
- Go built in formatter works via
go fmt