✨ Introduction to Kubernetes.
✨ Kubernetes as the Operating System of the Cloud.
✨ K8s cluster Architecture Deep Dive.
✨ Declarative Model & Desired State.
✨ Intro to Pods, Deployments & Service Objects.
✨ Kubectl
✨ Hands-on with "https://labs.play-with-k8s.com/"
kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address $(hostname -i) --pod-network-cidr
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudnativelabs/kube-router/master/daemonset/kubeadm-kuberouter.yaml
kubectl get nodes
✨ Why Pods
✨ Static Pods vs controllers
✨ Single-container and multi-container Pods
✨ Deploying Pods
✨ Anotomy of Pods
✨ Hands-on with Pods
✨ Namespaces in K8s
kubectl explore pods --recursive
kubectl apply -f pod.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe
kubectl logs
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl create ns newNamespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace newNamespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace default
kubectl delete ns newNamespace
✨ Introduction to Kubernetes Services
✨ EndPoint Objects
✨ Accessing Services from inside the Cluster
✨ Accessing Services from outside the Cluster
✨ Service Registration & Service Discovery.
✨ Kubernetes Volumes
✨ EmptyDir and hostpath
✨ Persistent Volumes (PVs).
✨ Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs).
✨ Storage Classes.
✨ ConfigMaps and need for ConfigMaps
✨ Secrets
✨ Injecting configMaps and Secrets into Containers during runtime.
✨ StatefulSets in Kubernetes
✨ The Kubernetes API Deep Dive
✨ API Security - AuthN, AuthZ and Admission Control
✨ Threat Modelling Kubernetes
StatefulSets handle Pods much more delicately than Deployments.
API Server runs as a set of Pods on kube-system Namespace on Control Plane Nodes because it is a Control Plane Service.
RESTful API --> Modern Web API dealing with CRUD-style requests with HTTP.
Role Based Access Control Model (RBAC):
Which USER can perform which ACTIONS against which RESOURCES.
Setting up a Personal Project in Collaboration with @jaideep99 and @navaneethnanda
Link to the Project - https://github.com/suhasgumma/CricRadio-Containerizing-using-Docker
Kubernetizing the CricRadio Project
Link to Kubernetes Manifest Files and Architecture - https://github.com/suhasgumma/CricRadio-Kubernetes
The Why of Kubernetes Design
Kubernetes 101 Workshop by Saiyam Pathak
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN3VqbZqmD8
Containers & Kubernetes Security Workshop by Rewanth Tammana
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka0C09CAfho&t=8089s
"GitOps with ArgoCD" Workshop by CodeFresh's Dan.
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rwIIusbUWM
Package Manager for Kubernetes. Primary Feature is packaging YAML files & distributing them in Public & Private repositories. Second feature is Templating engine.
Bundle of YAML files.
chart.yaml //chart's metadata
values.yaml // Substitutes in template files
charts/ // Chart Dependencies
✨ YAML Validation.
✨ Kubernetes Schema Validation
✨ Policy Check (Check the policies selected beforehand from available polocies. Currently there are 60 polocies)
Ingress Exposes multiple Services through a single cloud load-balancer.
Collects resource metrics from kubelets & exposes them in K8s API server through metrics API for use by HPA & VPA
HorizantolPodAutoScaler automatically updates workload resources to match demand.
Horizantol Scaling --> Deploy more Pods.
Vertical Scaling --> Assign more resources (CPU, memory, etc) to existing pods.
Adjusts the desired scale of the workloads to match observed metrics (average CPU utilization, etc)
desiredReplicas = ceil[currentReplicas * (currentMetricValue / desiredMetricValue)]
Monitor & Reduce Kubernetes Spend
Workload API object designed for stateful applications
✨ Service Accounts
- Processes in Containers and other third party applications could also contact the api-server. They are authenticated as a particular Service Account.
✨ Role
- Sets Permission within a Namespace
✨ Cluster Role
- Sets Permission across the cluster
✨ RoleBinding & ClusterRoleBinding
- rolebindings grant the permissions defined in Role/ClusterRole to a user or a set of users.
Documentation is informative & clear. Link to the documentation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/
Attacker Getting Access from the Kubernetes Platform to the underlying Operating System.
Kubernetes Security Best Practices Video of Nana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBf5lrmquYI
Kubernetes Hardening Guide: Cybersecurity Technical Report by NSA & CISA: https://media.defense.gov/2021/Aug/03/2002820425/-1/-1/0/CTR_Kubernetes_Hardening_Guidance_1.1_20220315.PDF
Hacking and Hardening Kubernetes Clusters- CNCF video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTgQLzeBfRU&t=730s
Hacking into Kubernetes Security for Beginners- CNCF video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLsCm9GVIQg&t=244s
Kubernetes Security Best Practices: Definitive Guide by Jonathan Kaftzan of Armo: https://www.armosec.io/blog/kubernetes-security-best-practices/
Watch Fluentd video by Nana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ofsNyHZwWE
How Prometheus Monitoring works & Architecture by Nana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Sl21AKiDg&list=PLe8ZS56qsN_mq2Af6tEHAAm7fsY3sHOfL
Setup Prometheus Monitoring on Kubernetes using Helm and Prometheus Operator by Nana: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoDqxm7ybLc&list=PLe8ZS56qsN_mq2Af6tEHAAm7fsY3sHOfL&index=2
Prometheus Monitoring - Steps to monitor third-party apps using Prometheus Exporter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLPg49b33sA
Pod Security: Harden Pods to make exploitation more difficult & Limit the impact of succesful compromise
Namespaces assign label to a scope that could be used to specify rules via RBAC & networking policies.
- Use CNI plugin that supports Network Policy API
- Create Policies that selects Pods using podSelector and/or namespaceSelector
- Use default policy to deny all ingress & engress traffic
- Set up TLS encryption
- Set up strong authentication methods
- Disable access to internet and unnecessary, or untrusted networks
- Use RBAC policies to restrict access
- Secure the etcd datastore with authentication and RBAC policies
- Protect kubeconfig files from unauthorized modifications
Logging should be performed at all levels of the environment, including on the host, application, container, container engine, image registry, api-server, and the cloud, as applicable.
Within the Kubernetes environment, some events that administrators should monitor/log include the following:
- API request history
- Performance metrics
- Deployments
- Resource consumption
- Operating system calls
- Protocols, permission changes
- Network traffic
- Pod scaling
- Volume mount actions
- Image and container modification
- Privilege changes
- Scheduled job (cronjob) creations and modifications
✨ Role of kubelet in networking
✨ Isolated, Flat & Island networks
✨ Kube-controller-manager config
✨ CNI specification
✨ CNI plug-ins
✨ Flat & overlay networks
✨ Cilium - CNI Plugin
✨ NetworkPolicy
✨ KubeDNS
✨ IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack in K8s
- Isolated Virtual Network defined by administrators
- VPC could have multiple CIDR ranges
- VPC cannot span across multiple AWS Regions
✨ Subnet
- Sub network in VPC network
- Takes a chunk of CIDR range of VPC
- Can Only span in Single AZ. Deployed to Single AZ
- Subnet is public if the routing table has route to an internet gateway
✨ Security Groups
- Similar to Kubernetes NetworkPolicies
- Inbound & Outbound Rules
✨ Network Access Control Lists
- Filter rules must be defined explicitly in both directions
- Confined to a single Subnet.
✨ Internet Gateway
- AWS managed service in VPC network that allows connectivity to the Internet.
✨ Pull Request Fixed: Kubescape fails to authenticate remote private Github repo
✨ Pull Request Fixed: Misconfiguration in "close-typos-issues.yaml" GITHUB Actions file
✨ Pull Request Scan Kustomize Directory
✨ Pull Request Build on pre-configured killercoda's ubuntu playground
✨ Transport Layer Security (TLS)
✨ PKI Certificates & requirements in K8s.
✨ Certificate Management with kubeadm
✨ Limits & Requests in Kubernetes
✨ Configure Default memory requests & limits for namespaces.
✨ Configure Default CPU requests & limits for namespaces
✨ 4C Model
✨ Cluster Hardening
✨ CIS Benchmarks
✨ OSS tools to scan K8s clusters against CIS Benchmarks (kube-bench & kubescape)
✨ Kubernetes Security Primitives
✨ Basic Authentication mechanisms in Kubernetes
✨ ServiceAccounts recap
✨ Asymmetric Encryption overview
✨ TLS in Kubernetes
✨ KubeConfig
✨ API Groups
✨ Authorization in Kubernetes
✨ Kubelet Security (Authentication & Authorization)
✨ Kubernetes Core Concepts Recap
✨ CMD vs ENTRYPOINT in Docker
✨ Environment Variables
✨ ConfigMaps
✨ Creating & Injecting ConfigMaps
✨ Creating & Injecting Secrets
✨ Encrypting Secret Data at REST
✨ Security Context in K8s
✨ Resource Requirements
✨ Taints and Tolerations