The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health is an international coalition, formed to enable the sharing of genomic and clinical data.
The tools used to build a data model for GA4GH variant annotation are:
- LinkML: Linked data modeling language that allows you to specify and author schemas or data models as YAML files
- schemasheets: A tool built on top of LinkML that allows data modelers to specify schemas in a spreadsheet format, which can be compiled down to LinkML
Run the following command to auto generate a LinkML model from the schemasheets specification of the GA4GH model:
poetry run sheets2linkml --output src/linkml/ga4gh-va-schema.yaml src/data/spreadsheets/ga4gh_schemasheets.tsv
- ga4gh_schemasheets.tsv: schemasheets specific tsv which contains the GA4GH source data model as a spreadsheet
- ga4gh-va-schema.yaml: LinkML model generated from the above spreadsheet specification file