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Releases: sumup-oss/circuit-ui

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

27 Aug 07:15
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Major Changes

Minor Changes

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added a new weight prop to the Body component. Choose between the regular and bold font weights.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added a new Compact component for text in space-constraint contexts.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added a new Numeral component for numeric content such as currency values.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Consolidated and renamed the sizes of the Display (formerly Title), Headline, and Body components:

    Display & Headline

    Old New
    one l
    two m
    three m
    four s


    Old New
    one m
    two s
  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Deprecated the BodyLarge component. Use the Body component in size l instead.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added an explicit foreground color to the Body component (fg-normal) to better support localized dark mode. Previously, the component inherited its color from its parent.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Deprecated the SubHeadline component. Use the Headline component in size s instead.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Deprecated the Body component's variant prop. Use the new color prop instead of the alert, confirm and subtle variants. Use the new weight prop instead of the highlight variant. Use custom CSS for the quote variant.

  • #2653 33435cf Thanks @connor-baer! - Added a new color prop to the Body component. Choose any foreground color.

Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

19 Aug 15:30
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Major Changes

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui with @sumup-oss/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui in your package.json file, then update the plugin name in your Stylelint config:

    // .stylelintrc.js
    module.exports = {
    -  plugins: ['@sumup/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui'],
    +  plugins: ['@sumup-oss/stylelint-plugin-circuit-ui'],

Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

19 Aug 15:30
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Major Changes

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/icons with @sumup-oss/icons in your package.json file, then update all imports:

    -import { Search } from '@sumup/icons';
    +import { Search } from '@sumup-oss/icons';

    Circuit UI's ESLint plugin offers the renamed-package-scope rule to automate updating the package imports.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

19 Aug 15:30
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Major Changes

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/eslint-plugin-circuit-ui with @sumup-oss/eslint-plugin-circuit-ui in your package.json file, then update the plugin and rule names in your ESLint config:

    // .eslintrc.js
    module.exports = {
    -  plugins: ['@sumup/circuit-ui'],
    +  plugins: ['@sumup-oss/circuit-ui'],
      rules: {
    -    '@sumup/circuit-ui/component-lifecycle-imports': 'error',
    +    '@sumup-oss/circuit-ui/component-lifecycle-imports': 'error',

Minor Changes

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Added circuit-ui/renamed-package-scope rule to update imports for design system packages that have moved from the @sumup to the @sumup-oss scope.

Patch Changes

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

19 Aug 15:30
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Major Changes

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/design-tokens with @sumup-oss/design-tokens in your package.json file, then update all imports:

    -import '@sumup/design-tokens/light.css';
    +import '@sumup-oss/design-tokens/light.css';

    Circuit UI's ESLint plugin offers the renamed-package-scope rule to automate updating the package imports.

@sumup-oss/[email protected]

19 Aug 15:30
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Major Changes

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Upgraded to @sumup-oss/intl v2. If your app also depends on @sumup-oss/intl (previously called @sumup/intl), you need to upgrade it as well.

  • #2306 8be7f3b Thanks @connor-baer! - Deprecated the InputElement interface and narrowed the Input's element type to HTMLInputElement and the TextArea's element type to HTMLTextAreaElement. This affects refs and event handlers.

  • #2648 f583d05 Thanks @connor-baer! - Renamed the package scope from @sumup to @sumup-oss. Replace @sumup/circuit-ui with @sumup-oss/circuit-ui in your package.json file, then update all imports:

    -import { Button } from '@sumup/circuit-ui';
    +import { Button } from '@sumup-oss/circuit-ui';

    Circuit UI's ESLint plugin offers the renamed-package-scope rule to automate updating the package imports.

Patch Changes

@sumup/[email protected]

14 Aug 12:58
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Minor Changes

  • #2649 2ced130 Thanks @ituraj! - Added Expenses icon in size 24. Added ReceiptSmart and ReceiptUnreviewed in size 24. Updated ReceiptAttached and ReceiptMissing in size 24.

@sumup/[email protected]

12 Aug 12:29
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Patch Changes

@sumup/[email protected]

08 Aug 16:01
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Major Changes

  • #2615 985f647 Thanks @connor-baer! - Use default parameters for default props rather than statically assigning them as defaultProps. This silences React 18.3's warning about defaultProps being deprecated and enables tree shaking the icon components (which is prevented if they have static assignments).

Minor Changes

@sumup/[email protected]

08 Aug 16:01
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Minor Changes

  • #2642 d53ccb1 Thanks @connor-baer! - Switched the ImageInput's button variant from primary to secondary to improve its appearance on dark backgrounds.